To Work With Publishing Options
Set preferences for output file location, multi-sheet name options, and layer information.
Access the Publish Dialog Box
- Click Output tabPlot panelBatch Plot. Find
- Click Publish Options.
Drawing Set Descriptions (DSD) file to reuse the next time you publish drawings.
Choose Output Options
- Access the Publish Dialog Box.
- Choose which information to reveal in your published DWF, DWFx, and PDF files.
Set File Name Prompting
You can choose whether to be prompted for a file name each time you publish a DWF
- Access the Publish Dialog Box.
- In the General DWF Options pane, under DWF Type, select Multi-sheet DWF from the drop-down
list. - In the Multi-sheet DWF Options, select Prompt for Name.
Include Layer or Block Information
- Access the Publish Dialog Box.
- In the DWF Data Options, do one of the following:
- Under Layer Information, click to display the drop-down list and select Include.
- Under Block Information, click to display the drop-down list and select Include.
NOTE:By default, Layer and Block Information is set to Don’t Include. If you change the
setting to include layer or block information, you can turn individual layers on and
off when you view or print the DWF file, or use the viewer to view or print block
property and attribute information in the DWF or DWFx file.
Related References
Related Concepts
t preferences for output file location, multi-sheet name options, and layer information. Access the Publish Dialog Box Click Output tabPlot panelBatch Plot.publishing jobs, view details, cancel them, or turn background … To turn off background publishing with the Options dialog box:.publishing jobs, view details, cancel them, or turn background … To turn off background publishing with the Options dialog box:.… If I was you I would get prepared – look through the list and make a shortlist of the publishers you would love to work for. You can even contact …… Signs you were made to work in publishing: your love life revolves …. great options for students who might not otherwise have a chance to …… But in a nod to the power of memoirs, the publisher will release an … and will work with Ms. Todd for a chance to garner broader attention with …to remove a page from the publish environment is referred to as …. Just as you use the Manage Publication option to publish, you can also use it …Use the default publishing preferences if your code requires no input arguments and you want to publish …to deploy and track e- learning content, you'll want to use the LMS publishing option in Articulate at any time and make it … If a traditional publisher or agent were to approach you after … company to help you (eBookPartnership is one option).