
To Work With Design Feed Posts

To Work With Design Feed Posts

How to create a post, associate it with a location or an area within the drawing,
and share it with your contacts.

Create a Post

  1. With a drawing open, click Autodesk 360 tabAutoCAD Online panelDesign Feed. Find

    If you have not already done so, you will be prompted to save your drawing. This opens
    the Design Feed palette.

  2. Type your message in the text box.
  3. To attach an image, click the Attach Image button.
    NOTE:You can attach up to 3 images to each post; a thumbnail of each appears within the
    post. The maximum file size for each image is 5 megabytes.

    The following types of image files can be attached:

    • BMP (*.bmp, *.dib)
    • JPG (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jfif, *.jif)
    • GIF (*.gif)
    • PNG (*.png)

Associate a Post With a Location or an Area Within the Drawing

  1. Click the location or area icon.
  2. Specify the location with a point, or a rectangular area with two diagonal points
    within the drawing.

The location or area that you want associated with a design feed post is indicated
by a design feed bubble.

Share Your Post

  1. Click the Tag People icon.
  2. If connections are already listed, select the people to be tagged for this post.
  3. If no connections are listed yet, click Add People to display a dialog box in which
    to enter the email addresses of the connections with whom you want to share the drawing
    and the post.
  4. Click Post

When you submit the post, the location or area that you have associated with the post
will become permanent. The post, along with images, associations, and tagging, will
be shared from Autodesk 360 with the people that you have authorized.

Resolve Your Post

  • Click Resolve to hide a post and its replies in the Design Feed palette.
NOTE:You can view resolved posts by clicking the corresponding option in Settings at the
top of the Design Feed palette.

Learning AutoCad

w to create a post, associate it with a location or an area within the drawing, and share it with your contacts. Create a Post With a drawing open, click …Design Feed Post When you want to create a post, use the Design Feed palette to comment via a text message, to which you can also attach an image.Design Feed is made for everyone, and you! … design you currently creating, you' ll need to click on "Use this" to choose the design, … Create an Instagram post… Understanding how the News Feed works is tough because the … Facebook matches people to post types so if you never watch …. fewer spammy links that use inaccurate language or formatting to trick people into clicking.… Please note you will still need your Autodesk 360 account for sharing the Design Feed Posts linked to the drawing, but only the Design Feed …to make designing an activity feed or notification feed … Just about every case, activity feeds can be put to great use. … Let's say you're following a user who posts consists largely of their adventures in  …… You want sleek. You want powerful. You want beautiful. ––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Your design tool for …… So in this post, I'll cover this popular question – design news feed system. … We can use a friend table that contains two userIDs in each entry to …feed by default is set to display your Top updates, which are selected according … the Post button, click the Down icon next to Sort by: to see a list of tell … Design Requirements. Canvas is linked to a Feed Unit that runs in News Feed. Feed units are based on the Link Page Post format and can use either a photo or  …

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