
Section View Editor Ribbon Contextual Tab Reference

    Section View Editor Ribbon Contextual Tab Reference

    Changes the properties of the selected section view object.

    List of Options

    The following options are displayed.

    Representation Panel

    This panel is visible only when you are editing a section view created from an Inventor
    model. The options you can view depend on the properties of the selected model. You
    can only edit the values for Design View.

    Appearance Panel

    Hidden Lines

    Specifies the display style to use for the selected section view.


    Specifies the absolute scale to use for the selected view. You can select a standard
    scale from the drop-down list, or directly enter a non-standard scale.

    Edge Visibility

    Displays a list of objects to show in the selected view.

    • Interference edges. Displays both hidden and visible edges that are otherwise excluded due to an interference
    • Tangent edges. Displays a line to show smooth edges formed by surfaces intersecting tangentially.
    • Foreshortened. Shortens the length of tangential edges to differentiate them from visible edges.
    • Bend extents. Displays sheet metal bend extent lines. Sheet metal bend extent lines indicate the
      location of transition about which a bend hinges or folds, in a flattened sheet metal
    • Thread features. Displays thread lines on screws and tapped holes.
    • Presentation trails. Displays the lines (in drawing views from exploded views) that show the direction
      along which a components are moved into assembled position.
    Cut Inheritance

    Specifies if the view created out of a section view inherits the section cut.

    View Options

    Displays the View Options dialog box. This dialog box specifies how to anchor the
    section view, and how to display Inventor Reference Parts.

    Method Panel

    Projection View

    Specifies the view type of the section view, normal or orthogonal.


    Specifies the depth of the section view.

    • Full. All geometry beyond the section line’s cutting plane is included within the section

    • Slice. All geometry beyond the section line’s cutting plane is removed from the section
      view and the section view represents a thin slice.

      This option is available only after the section view is placed in the layout.

    • Distance. The geometry between the section line’s cutting line and the distance specified is
      included within the section view.

      This option is available only after the section view is placed in the layout.

    Depth Distance

    Specifies the depth distance, allowing the geometry beyond the section line’s cutting
    plane to be included or removed from the section view.

    This option is available only if the Distance option is selected in Depth.

    Annotation Panel


    Specifies the label for the section line and the resulting section view.

    The program always determines from the drawing, the next free section label. Labels
    I, O, Q, S, X, and Z are excluded by default, however these can be manually overwritten.
    You can specify the alphabets to be excluded in the Modify Section View Style dialog

    Show View Label

    Specifies if the section view label text is displayed.

    Hatch Panel

    Show Hatching

    Specifies if hatch is displayed in the selected section view. Clicking on the hatch
    brings up the Drawing View Hatch Editor Contextual Ribbon Tab, where you can edit
    the hatch properties.

    Edit Panel


    Saves the changes and exits the Section View Editor ribbon contextual tab.


    Does not save the changes made, and exits the Section View Editor ribbon contextual

    Defer Updates

    Prevents the selected drawing view from reacting to a property change until you click
    OK or turn off Defer Updates. This option is typically used for drawing views of large
    models, where applying each property change in real time may take time.

    Learning AutoCad

    splays a list of objects to show in the selected view. Interference edges. Displays a line to show where two intersecting solid bodies meet. Tangent edges. Displays a line to show smooth edges formed by surfaces intersecting tangentially. Foreshortened. Bend extents. Thread features. Presentation trails.edit the values for Design View. Appearance Panel Hidden … Section View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab. In-Product View … Related Reference.editing a view created … Specifies the level of detail representation to show in the selected view . … how to anchor the selected view, and how to display Inventor Reference Parts . … Saves changes and closes the Drawing View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab.section view from the selected parent view. … You can only edit the values for Design View. … Section View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab … to anchor the section view being created, and how to display Inventor Reference Parts.section line, the Section Plane contextual tab is displayed on the ribbon. Display panel Live Section Turns on live sectioning for a selected …view from model space or Autodesk Inventor models. … Drawing View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab … Level of detail … Related Reference.… Find the most popular commands on Word 2013's Ribbon. … References tab | Mailings tab | Review tab | View tab. Contextual tabs (Picture Tools, Table Tools, Chart Tools) … Find a word, phrase or heading, or see thumbnails of all pages in the document, Home tab –> Editing …. Section break: Alt-P, B.

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