
Linetype Manager

Linetype Manager

Loads linetypes and sets the current linetype.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Linetype Filters

Determines which linetypes to display in the linetype list. You can filter linetypes
based on whether they are xref-dependent, or whether they are referenced by objects.

Invert Filter

Displays linetypes based on the opposites of the criteria you select. Linetypes that
fit the inverse filter criteria are displayed in the linetype list.


Displays the Load or Reload Linetypes dialog box, in which you can load into the drawing
selected linetypes from the acad.lin OR acadlt.lin file and add them to the linetype list.


Sets the selected linetype to be the current linetype. Setting the current linetype
to BYLAYER means that an object assumes the linetype that is assigned to a particular
layer. Setting the linetype to BYBLOCK means that an object assumes the CONTINUOUS
linetype until it is grouped into a block. Whenever the block is inserted, all objects
inherit the block’s linetype. The CELTYPE system variable stores the linetype name.


Deletes selected linetypes from the drawing. You can delete only unused linetypes.
The BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, and CONTINUOUS linetypes cannot be deleted.

NOTE:Be careful about deleting linetypes if you are working on a drawing in a shared project
or one based on a set of layering standards. The deleted linetype definition remains
stored in the acad.lin or acadlt.lin file (AutoCAD) or the acadiso.linacadltiso.lin file(AutoCAD LT) and can be reloaded.

Show Details or Hide Details

Controls whether the Details section of the Linetype Manager is displayed.

Current Linetype

Displays the current linetype name.

List of Linetypes

Displays the loaded linetypes according to the option specified in Linetype Filters.
To quickly select all or clear all linetypes, right-click in the linetype list to
display the shortcut menu.


Displays names of loaded linetypes. To rename a linetype, select it and then click
it again and enter a new name. BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, CONTINUOUS, and xref-dependent linetypes
cannot be renamed.


Displays a sample of selected linetypes.


Displays descriptions of the linetypes, which can be edited in the Details area.


Provides alternative access to properties and additional settings.


Displays the selected linetype name, which can be edited.


Displays the description of the selected linetype, which can be edited.

Use Paper Space Units for Scaling

Scales linetypes in paper space and model space identically. Useful when working with
multiple viewports. ( PSLTSCALE system variable)

Global Scale Factor

Displays the global scale factor for all linetypes. (LTSCALE system variable)

Current Object Scale

Sets linetype scale for newly created objects. The resulting scale is the global scale
factor multiplied by the object’s scale factor. ( CELTSCALE system variable)

ISO Pen Width

Sets the linetype scale to one of a list of standard ISO values. The resulting scale
is the global scale factor multiplied by the object’s scale factor.

Learning AutoCad

e BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, and CONTINUOUS linetypes cannot be deleted. Note: Be careful about deleting linetypes if you are working on a drawing in a shared project or one based on a set of layering standards. The deleted linetype definition remains stored in the linetype definition .lin file and can be reloaded.linetypes in the drawing. You can set the global scale factor by changing the LTSCALE system variable at the Command prompt or with the Linetype Manager.Jul 25, 2010Apr 17, 2014… AutoCAD 2016 Tutorial: Linetypes & Lineweights – … Invoking the LINETYPE command brings up the Linetype Manager …Linetype Manager" dialogue, select "dashdot3" again and then "Current" followed by …… From the Format menu, choose Linetype. In the Linetype Manager, choose Load. In the Load or Reload Linetypes dialog box, select one or …Linetype Manager for IntelliCAD 4 and ArchT.Linetype Manager dialog box: Click the Linetype drop-down list on the Properties panel of the Ribbon's Home …line type for a fence line… i was trying to use the existing fence with the circ1 on it.. but not quite …

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