IGESIMPORT Conversion Table
The following table lists the IGES entities that are supported for import.
IGES to DWG Conversion Table |
IGES Entity |
AutoCAD Entity |
Type |
Form |
Name |
100 |
0 |
circular arc |
Circle or Arc |
102 |
0 |
composite curve |
Polyline, Spline |
104 |
1 |
conic arc |
Ellipse |
104 |
2 |
hyperbola |
Spline |
104 |
3 |
parabola |
Spline |
106 |
11 |
copious data |
Spline |
106 |
12 |
copious data |
Spline |
106 |
13 |
multi point line with vectors |
3D polyline |
106 |
63 |
closed area |
Polyline |
108 |
0 |
plane |
Surface |
108 |
+/- 1 |
bounded plane |
Surface |
110 |
0 |
line |
Spline |
112 |
0 |
parametric curve |
Spline |
114 |
0 |
parametric surface |
Surface |
116 |
0 |
point |
Nothing |
118 |
0-1 |
ruled surface |
Surface |
120 |
0 |
surface of revolution |
Surface |
122 |
0 |
tabulated cylinder |
Surface |
123 |
0 |
direction |
Applied when processing other entities |
124 |
0 |
transformation matrix |
Applied when processing other entities |
126 |
0-5 |
rational B-spline curve |
Spline |
128 |
0-9 |
rational B-spline surface |
Surface |
130 |
0 |
offset curve |
Spline |
140 |
0 |
offset surface |
Surface |
141 |
0 |
boundary entity |
Applied when processing other entities |
143 |
0 |
boundary surface |
Surface |
144 |
0 |
trimmed surface |
Surface |
186 |
manifold solid BRep Object (MSBO) |
Solid |
190 |
0,1 |
plane surface |
Applied when processing other entities |
192 |
right circular cylindrical surface |
Applied when processing other entities |
194 |
right circular conical surface |
Applied when processing other entities |
198 |
toroidal surface |
Applied when processing other entities |
308 |
0 |
subfigure definition |
Block table record |
314 |
0 |
color definition |
Applied when processing other entities |
406 |
3 |
level function property |
layer |
406 |
15 |
name property |
Applied when processing other entities |
408 |
0 |
singular subfigure instance |
Block reference |
502 |
vertex list |
Applied when processing other entities |
504 |
edge list |
Applied when processing other entities |
508 |
loop |
Applied when processing other entities |
510 |
face |
Applied when processing other entities |
514 |
shell |
Applied when processing other entities |
Related References
Related Concepts
e following table lists the IGES entities that are supported for import.Conversion Table. IGES Entity. AutoCAD Entity. Type. Form. Name. 100. 0. circular arc. Spline. 102. 0. composite curve. Spline. 104. 0-3. conic arc …IGESIMPORT Conversion Table · Commands for Importing and Exporting IGES Files · Commands for Importing non-Autodesk 3D Models …IGESIMPORT conversion table, the IGES entity 106 is listed …IGESIMPORT Conversion Table · Commands for Importing and Exporting IGES Files. Find Related Content. Post a question. Get an answer.IGESIMPORT and IGESEXPORT commands support only the fixed-length … See the conversion table for IGESIMPORT for specific details of the scope of the …table lists the IGES entities that the IGESIN command imports. IGES Entity Imported as Is Supported by IGESIMPORT? 100 – Circular Arc Entity Arc …IGESIMPORT may take … See the conversion table for IGESIMPORT for specific details of the scope of the …Table 1: IGES import supported Entities. Entity. No. Entity Description. CADfix. Conversion. Notes. 0. Null. Not Supported. 100. Circular Arc. Arc or NURBS. Line .table entitled What about the elements you import ? provides information on … and the partial conversion already performed is displayed in the V5 session.