
Function Key Reference

Function Key Reference

The keyboard function keys F1 – F12 control settings that are commonly turned on
and off as you work in the product.

Key Feature Description
F1 Help Displays Help for the active tooltip, command, palette or dialog box.
F2 Expanded history Displays an expanded command history in the Command window.
F3 Object snap Turns object snap on and off.
F4 3D object snap Turns additional object snaps for 3D on and off.
F5 Isoplane Cycles through 2D isoplane settings.
F6 Dynamic UCS (AutoCAD only) Turns automatic UCS alignment with planar surfaces on and off.
F7 Grid display Turns the grid display on and off.
F8 Ortho Locks cursor movement to horizontal or vertical.
F9 Grid snap Restricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals.
F10 Polar tracking VCades cursor movement to specified angles.
F11 Object snap tracking Tracks the cursor horizontally and vertically from object snap locations.
F12 Dynamic input Displays distances and angles near the cursor and accepts input as you use Tab between

NOTE:F8 and F10 are mutually exclusive—turning one on will turn the other off.

Learning AutoCad

e keyboard function keys F1 – F12 control settings that are commonly turned on and off as you work in the product. … Displays Help for the active tooltip, command, palette or dialog box. … Turns additional object snaps for 3D on and off.function keys provide shortcuts to many of the more frequently used … F12, Paste Factor levels/labels*, Set Factor Reference level*, Remove …Function keys allow quick access to commands by assigning keyboard shortcuts to the commands. You can manually assign keyboard shortcuts to common …References[edit]. Jump up … Keyboard keys. Dead keysFunction keys; Print screen · System request · Break/Pause. Misc.Function keys in Excel allow you to do things with your keyboard instead of your … Cycles through all 4 types of cell references (absolute, mixed reference (2x) …Function Keys. In the Functions Keys Dialog, … (turns on all reference files) reference display off all.Function key reference …function keys for U.S. keyboard layout. … To keep this reference available when you work, you may want to print this topic. To print …Function Keys. Quick RefeRence. Alternate (Alt) and function (f) keys. Following are the functions/descriptions for the F and Alt keys.… Function key reference Function keys To do this Press Get Help or go to Microsoft F1 Move text or graphics. F2 Repeat the last …

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