
Drawing the Tiles in a Row

Drawing the Tiles in a Row

Now that you have the logic for drawing the path, the next step is to figure out
how to draw the tiles in each row. In the following diagram, there are two cases shown:
a row where the offset from the center of the path is equal to 0.0, and a case where
the offset is not equal to zero. Take a look at the diagram, then read the pseudo-code
that follows.

Set up variables for StartPoint, angp90, angm90, and so on.

Set the variable FirstCenterPoint to the StartPoint + offset amount 
    (which may be 0.0).

Set the initial value of TileCenterPt to FirstCenterPoint.

(Comment: Begin by drawing the circles in the angp90 direction.)
While the distance from the StartPoint to the TileCenterPt is less than the HalfWidth:
    Draw a circle (adding to the accumulating list of circles).
    Set TileCenterPt to the next tile space increment in the angp90
End While

Reset the TileCenterPoint to the FirstCenterPoint + the tile space increment at angm90.

While the distance from the StartPoint to the TileCenterPt is less than the HalfWidth:
    Draw a circle (adding to the accumulating list of circles).
    Set TileCenterPt to the next tile space increment in the angm90
End While

Return the list of circles.

Learning AutoCad

w that you have the logic for drawing the path, the next step is to figure out how to draw the tiles in each row. In the following diagram, there are two cases …drawing the path, the next step is to figure out how to draw the tiles in each row. In the following diagram, there are two cases …draw the 8th tile image in the pattern without building or drawing …. 4 For the 8th image, this configuration is described, “Put 15 tiles in a row horizontally.… Rummikub® is a group of tile rummy games, played with a set of 106 … A turn consists of either drawing one tile from the pool or melding one or …tiles in a row or column and the number of tiles is the score for that … Add one tile to the grid and draw a tile to bring your deck again to 6.draw in the tiles, and then skip-count to find the … Can Leon arrange all of his 36 square centimeter tiles into 6 equal rows?tiles are in each row? __. What multiplication sentence does your array show? ___. Suppose Dave arranges the boxes in 3 equal rows. Draw a quick …Draw level and plumb layout lines on the wall to guide your installation. Measure a row of tile to determine the location of the plumb line on the back wall.tile-based game for 2 to 4 players, designed by Susan McKinley Ross and … In general, any tiles that are placed in a row must share one attribute (either … Play continues until there are no more tiles to be drawn, and one person  …

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