
Detail View Editor Contextual Ribbon Tab

    Detail View Editor Contextual Ribbon Tab

    Edits the properties of the detailed view model.

    List of Options

    The following options are displayed.

    Representation Panel

    This panel is visible only when you are editing a detail view created from an Inventor
    model. The options you can view and edit depend on the properties of the selected
    model. You can only edit the values for Design View.

    Appearance Panel

    Hidden Lines

    Specifies the display style to use for the selected detail view.


    Specifies the scale to use for the detail view.

    Edge Visibility
    Displays a list of objects to show in the detail view.
    Cut Inheritance

    This option is disabled in the detail view.

    View Options

    Displays the View Options dialog box. This dialog box specifies how to anchor the
    detail view being created, and how to display Inventor Reference Parts.

    Boundary Panel


    Specifies that a circular boundary is used to create the detail view. This is the
    default boundary type.

    If Infer Constraint is on, the center of the circular detail boundary is associated
    to a point on the parent view. If Infer Constraint is off, the center of the circular
    detail boundary is not associated to a point on the parent view.

    Specifies that a rectangular boundary is used to create the detail view.

    If Infer Constraint is on, the corner of the rectangular detail boundary is associated
    to a point on the parent view. If Infer Constraint is off, the corner of the rectangular
    detail boundary will not be associated to a point on the parent view.

    Model Edge Panel

    Specifies that the edge of the detail view model is smooth.

    Smooth with Border
    Specifies that the edge of the detail view model is smooth with a circular or rectangular
    border, depending on the detail boundary type selected.

    Smooth with Connection Line
    Specifies that the edge of the detail view model is smooth, with a border, and connection
    line between the detail view and the detail boundary in the parent view.

    Specifies that the edge of the detail view model is jagged.

    There is no border for the detail view and no connection line between the detail view
    and the detail boundary in the parent view.

    Annotation Panel


    Specifies the label for the detail boundary and the resulting detail view.

    Show View Label

    Specifies if the detail view label text is displayed.

    Hatch Panel

    Show Hatching

    Specifies if hatch is displayed in the selected detail view. Clicking on the hatch
    brings up the Drawing View Hatch Editor Contextual Ribbon Tab, where you can edit
    the hatch properties.

    Edit Panel


    Saves the changes and exits the Detail View Creation ribbon contextual tab.


    Does not save the changes made, and exits the Detail View Creation ribbon contextual

    Defer Updates

    Prevents the selected drawing view from reacting to a property change until you click
    OK or turn off Defer Updates. This option is typically used for drawing views of large
    models, where applying each property change in real time may take time.

    Learning AutoCad

    its the properties of the detailed view model. List of Options The following options are displayed. Representation Panel This panel is visible only when you are …editing a detail view created from an … Saves the changes and exits the Detail View Creation ribbon contextual tab.View Editor Ribbon Contextual Tab Reference … AutoCAD P&ID 2016, AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016, AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2016, & AutoCAD Utility …contextual ribbon tab is displayed. … Design 2018, AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2015, AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2016, … 2015, AutoCAD Utility Design 2016, & AutoCAD Utility Design 2017. See More … Civil engineering · PLM · Character animation · Movie editing · Visual effects …View Editor Ribbon Contextual Tab … AutoCAD Mechanical 2016, AutoCAD P&ID 2016, AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016, AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2016, …edit the values for Design View. Appearance Panel Hidden Lines Specifies … Section View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab. In-Product View Help.View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab … AutoCAD P&ID 2016, AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016, AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2016, & AutoCAD Utility Design …View tabs are always visible. The other tabs are 'contextual'—they are shown only when needed. … in Detail View is in edit mode—if you click the Edit icon, you will turn OFF Edit …View Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab Select File Dialog Box … About Section Views Drawing View Editor Ribbon Contextual Tab Detail View Editor …

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    بنده سیامک دوستداری فارغ التحصیل رشته مکانیک سنگ از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان هستم، و در این وبسایت آموزش های مربوط به نحوه برنامه نویسی در اتوکد و هچنین آموزش تصویری دستورات اتوکد را قرار خواهم داد.

    تلفن همراه: ۰۹۰۰۱۲۳۴۴۴۴


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