
Cutting Plane Tab (Section View Style Manager)

    Cutting Plane Tab (Section View Style Manager)

    Sets the properties for ends, bends and plane line segments used by section lines.

    List of Options

    The following options are displayed.

    End and bend lines

    Controls the properties of the end and bend line segments of the section line.

    Show end and bend lines
    When selected, displays the end and bend line segments of the section line.
    Line color
    Sets the color for the end and bend segments. All end and bend line segments use the
    same color. If you click Select Color (at the bottom of the Color list), the Select
    Color dialog box is displayed. You can also enter a color name or number.
    Sets the linetype for the end and bend segments. All end and bend line segments use
    the same linetype. If you click Other, the Select Linetype dialog box is displayed.
    Sets the lineweight of the end and bend segments. All end and bend line segments use
    the same lineweight.
    End line length
    Sets the length of the end segments.
    End line overshoot
    Sets the length of the extension beyond the direction arrows.
    Bend line length
    Sets the length of the bend line segment on either side of the bend vertices.
    Show cutting plane lines
    When selected, displays line segments to indicate the entire cutting plane.
    Line color
    Sets the color of cutting plane line segments. All plane line segments use the same
    color. If you click Select Color (at the bottom of the Color list), the Select Color
    dialog box is displayed. You can also enter a color name or number.
    Sets the linetype of cutting plane line segments. All plane line segments use the
    same linetype. If you click Other, the Select Linetype dialog box is displayed.
    Sets the lineweight of cutting plane lines. All cutting plane line segments use the
    same lineweight.

    Cutting Plane lines

    Controls the properties for plane line segments of section lines.

    Learning AutoCad

    ts the linetype of cutting plane line segments. All plane line segments use the same linetype. If you click Other, the Select Linetype dialog box is displayed. Sets the lineweight of cutting plane lines.Cutting Plane Tab (Section View Style Manager) · Hatch Tab (Section View Style Manager) …Cutting Plane Tab (Section View Style Manager) …cut by the cutting plane. Pattern Sets the hatch pattern to use for all …… Cutting plans and sections through your SketchUp models is the … Top: If you're not careful, your Section Plane objects will show up in … 2) Apply the Sections style by choosing it from the Select Tab in the Styles Manager.… The Style used in the Scene-tab must be set to show Section Cuts too ? … When saving Layers, Section Planes and Styles in your Scenes it's best to … using the Scene Manager (expanded) rather than View > Animation menu …sectional views can be drawn with AutoCAD. A typical example … object lines as the cutting planes to trim away some of the … tab to produce the dialog box shown on the right. … Style Manager dialog box. Make sure …

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