
Batch Standards Checker Window Reference

    Batch Standards Checker Window Reference

    The Batch Standards Checker audits a series of drawings for standards violations
    and creates an XML-based summary report detailing all violations. To use the Batch
    Standards Checker, you must first create a standards check file that specifies the
    drawings to audit and the standards files used for the audit.

    The Batch Standards Checker contains the following tabs:

    • Drawings
    • Standards
    • Plug-ins
    • Notes
    • Progress

    The Batch Standards Checker toolbar contains additional options.

    Drawings Tab (Batch Standards Checker)

    Allows you to create a list of drawings to audit for standards violations.

    Drawings to Check

    Lists the drawings to audit for standards violations. To add a drawing, click Add
    Drawing. To remove a drawing, click Remove Drawing. An exclamation mark precedes any
    drawings that the Batch Standards Checker can’t locate. Drawings are audited in the
    order in which they are listed. To reorder drawings in the list, click Move Up or
    Move Down.

    Add Standards File

    Opens a standard file selection dialog box, where you can locate and select a drawing
    to audit.

    Remove Drawing

    Removes a drawing from the list displayed in Drawings to Check.

    Move Up

    Moves the currently selected drawing up one position in the list displayed in Drawings
    to Check.

    Move Down

    Moves a standards file down one position in the list displayed in Standards Used for
    Checking All Drawings.


    Provides summary information about the drawing file currently selected in Drawings
    to Check.

    Check External References of Listed Drawings

    Determines if external references (xrefs) are added to the Drawings to Check list.
    If checked, external references are added to the list as soon as you start a batch
    standards audit.

    Standards Tab (Batch Standards Checker)

    Allows you to specify what standards files are used to verify named objects during
    the batch standards audit.

    Check Each Drawing Using Its Associated Standards Files

    Specifies auditing each drawing using the standards files that are associated with
    it. If this option is selected, the remaining options on the tab are not available.

    Check All Drawings Using the Following Standards Files

    Specifies ignoring the standards files that are associated with individual drawings
    and using the ones you select in Standards Used for Checking All Drawings instead.

    Standards Used for Checking All Drawings

    Lists the standards files used to audit the drawings. To add a standards file, click
    Add Standards File. To remove a standards file, click Remove Standards File. If conflicts
    arise between multiple standards in this list (for example, if two standards files
    specify layers of the same name but with different properties), the standards file
    that is shown first in the list takes precedence. To change the position of a standards
    file in the list, select it and click Move Up or Move Down.

    Add Standards File

    Adds a standards file to the list displayed in Standards Used for Checking All Drawings.

    Remove Standards File

    Removes a standards file from the list displayed in Standards Used for Checking All

    Move Up

    Moves a standards file up one position in the list displayed in Standards Used for
    Checking All Drawings.

    Move Down

    Moves a standards file down one position in the list displayed in Standards Used for
    Checking All Drawings.


    Provides summary information about the standards file currently selected in the list.

    Plug-ins Tab (Batch Standards Checker)

    Lists the standards plug-ins that are installed on the current system. A standards
    plug-in is installed for each of the named objects for which standards can be defined
    (layers, dimension styles, linetypes, and text styles). In the future, it is expected
    that third-party applications will be able to install additional plug-ins.

    Plug-ins Used When Checking Standards

    Displays a list of all the standards plug-ins on the current system. You specify at
    least one plug-in to use when auditing a drawing by selecting from the list. The selected
    plug-ins are used when checking standards for the entire series of drawings.


    Provides summary information about the plug-in currently selected in the list.

    Notes Tab (Batch Standards Checker)

    Allows you to add notes to the XML report.

    Enter Notes to Include in Report

    Allows you to enter additional notes for inclusion in the report.

    Progress Tab (Batch Standards Checker)

    Provides summary information about the status of the current batch standards audit.

    Batch Standards Checker Toolbar


    Creates a new standards check file with a .chx file name extension. Standards check files specify what drawings and standards files
    are used by the batch audit.


    Opens a standard file selection dialog box, where you can select a standards check


    Saves the current standards check file.

    Save As

    Opens a standard file save dialog box, where you can specify a name and location to
    save a standards check file.

    Start Check

    Begins a batch audit using the currently loaded standards check file. This button
    is available only when you have added drawings, associated a standards file, and selected
    at least one plug-in to use when checking for standards violations.

    Stop Check

    Stops a previously started batch audit operation. This button is available only if
    a batch audit is currently in progress.

    View Report

    Displays an HTML report summarizing the results of the batch audit. This button is
    available when a batch audit report is available for viewing. The contents of the
    report are included with the standards check file.

    Export Report

    Exports an HTML report that can be distributed to other users. This button is available
    only when a batch audit has been completed and a report is available to export. This
    button also allows you to optimize existing XML reports that were created with a previous
    version of the CAD Standards feature, in order to improve report printing quality.

    Learning AutoCad

    e Batch Standards Checker audits a series of drawings for standards violations and creates an XML-based summary report detailing all violations. To use the …Batch Standards Checker Window Reference · Commands for Drawing Standards …Batch Standards Checker Window Reference · Commands for Drawing Standards …… The Batch Standards Checker window opens, as you see here. … to these drawings, check Check External References of Listed Drawings.Standard Reference Data Program. Gaithersburg …. Simultaneously Viewing AMDIS and its Help Window . … Confirm Window and Results Window Overview .batch file programming", "batch file scripting", " Windows …. The standard output of the simple command preceding each vertical bar is ….. %0 does not refer to a command-line argument but rather to the name of the batch file. ….. which equals 0x7FFFFFFF (type set /a num=0x7FFFFFFF to check).References to applicable Denver Water Standard ES Drawing number or CPCS detail …… The Batch Standards Checker pop-up window should appear on the …Windows 7 and a brief … Several commands are now in the standard list that were formerly available only on servers. … CHKNTFS Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time. CHOICE Batch file command that allows users to select from a set of options.

    درباره نویسنده

    بنده سیامک دوستداری فارغ التحصیل رشته مکانیک سنگ از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان هستم، و در این وبسایت آموزش های مربوط به نحوه برنامه نویسی در اتوکد و هچنین آموزش تصویری دستورات اتوکد را قرار خواهم داد.

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