Applying Some Logic
One thing you need to do is determine how to space out the tiles and draw them. If
this were a simple rectilinear grid of tiles, you could use the ARRAY command to fill
in the tiles. But for the garden path, you need to have each row of tiles offset from
the previous row.
This row-offset pattern is a repeating pattern. Think of how you might go about laying
the tiles if you were building the actual path. You would probably be inclined to
start at one end and just keep laying down rows until there wasn’t any more space
Here is the logic in pseudo-code:
At the starting point of the path Figure out the initial row offset from center (either centered on the path or offset by one "tile space"). While the space of the boundary filled is less than the space to fill, Draw a row of tiles. Reset the next start point (incremented by one "tile space"). Add the distance filled by the new row to the amount of space filled. Toggle the offset (if it is centered, set it up off-center, or vice versa). Go back to the start of the loop.
>Applying Some Logic. Help. Applies to AutoCAD 2017, AutoCAD Architecture 2017, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017, AutoCAD Electrical 2017, AutoCAD MEP 2017, …applying some logic instead. "… Q Thank you, Mr. President. You say you want nothing short of victory, that leaving Iraq would be catastrophic; you once again mentioned al …… Steve, I would argue that applying some logic to love is a good thing. So much of how we understand love to be is shrouded in nonsensical, …… hi all,. i have a report that uses xml file data source and i need to do the following: if the number of subscribers in the xml file (number of tags …… This first matrix table1 contains 5 names and 5 scenes.I need to perform some operations on this matrix and I have to obtain second matrix as …