
Alternate Units Tab (Dimension Style Manager)

Alternate Units Tab (Dimension Style Manager)

Specifies display of alternate units in dimension measurements and sets their format
and precision.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Display Alternate Units

Adds alternate measurement units to dimension text. Sets the DIMALT system variable
to 1.

Alternate Units

Displays and sets the current alternate units format for all dimension types except

Unit Format

Sets the unit format for alternate units. (DIMALTU system variable)

The relative sizes of numbers in stacked fractions are based on DIMTFAC (in the same
way that tolerance values use this system variable).


Sets the number of decimal places for alternate units. (DIMALTD system variable)

Multiplier for Alt Units

Specifies the multiplier used as the conversion factor between primary and alternate
units. For example, to convert inches to millimeters, enter 25.4. The value has no effect on angular dimensions, and it is not applied to the rounding
value or the plus or minus tolerance values. (DIMALTF system variable)

Round Distances To

Sets rounding rules for alternate units for all dimension types except Angular. If
you enter a value of 0.25, all alternate measurements are rounded to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you enter a
value of 1.0, all dimension measurements are rounded to the nearest integer. The number of digits
displayed after the decimal point depends on the Precision setting. (DIMALTRND system


Includes a prefix in the alternate dimension text. You can enter text or use control
codes to display special symbols. For example, entering the control code %%c displays the diameter symbol. (DIMAPOST system variable)

For more information, see Control Codes and Special Characters.


Includes a suffix in the alternate dimension text. You can enter text or use control
codes to display special symbols. For example, entering the text cm results in dimension text similar to that shown in the illustration. When you enter
a suffix, it overrides any default suffixes. (DIMAPOST system variable)

For more information, see Control Codes and Special Characters.

Zero Suppression

Controls the suppression of leading and trailing zeros and of feet and inches that
have a value of zero. (DIMALTZ system variable)


Suppresses leading zeros in all decimal dimensions. For example, 0.5000 becomes .5000.

Sub-units factor

Sets the number of sub units to a unit. It is used to calculate the dimension distance
in a sub unit when the distance is less than one unit. For example, enter 100 if the suffix is m and the sub-unit suffix is to display in cm.

Sub-unit suffix

Includes a suffix to the dimension value sub unit. You can enter text or use control
codes to display special symbols. For example, enter cm for .96m to display as 96cm.


Suppresses trailing zeros in all decimal dimensions. For example, 12.5000 becomes
12.5, and 30.0000 becomes 30.

0 Feet

Suppresses the feet portion of a feet-and-inches dimension when the distance is less
than 1 foot. For example, 0′-6 1/2″ becomes 6 1/2″.

0 Inches

Suppresses the inches portion of a feet-and-inches dimension when the distance is
an integral number of feet. For example, 1′-0″ becomes 1′.


Controls the placement of alternate units in dimension text.

After Primary Value

Places alternate units after the primary units in dimension text.

Below Primary Value

Places alternate units below the primary units in dimension text.


Displays sample dimension images that show the effects of changes you make to dimension
style settings.

Learning AutoCad

ecifies display of alternate units in dimension measurements and sets their format and precision. List of Options The following options are displayed. Display  …alternate units in dimension measurements and sets their … Displays and sets the current alternate units format for all dimension types …format and precision of primary dimension units and sets prefixes and suffixes for dimension text. List of Options The following options are displayed.… You define an alternate measurement on the Alternate Units tab of the Dimension … AutoCAD Dimension Styles Manager Alternate Units … If you want to include alternate units, such as metric (if you're main units are Imperial), use the … In the Dimension Style Manager, with arch_96 selected, click Set Current and click Close.Jan 4, 2011DIMSTYLE command invokes Dimension Style Manager. … Either dimstyle or ddim will start the manager. …. The Alternate Units tab has a switch to turn.… Creating a Dimension Style AutoCad Assignment Help, Online AutoCad Homework & Autocad Project Help Dimension styles are similar to text …dim style that shows imperial units in the top row and … I see in the Alternate Units tab within the Modify Dimension Style window is to … value" option for Alternate Units>Placement in Dim Style Manager.

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بنده سیامک دوستداری فارغ التحصیل رشته مکانیک سنگ از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان هستم، و در این وبسایت آموزش های مربوط به نحوه برنامه نویسی در اتوکد و هچنین آموزش تصویری دستورات اتوکد را قرار خواهم داد.

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