
Adding Reactor Callback Functions

Adding Reactor Callback Functions

The reactor callback functions add a substantial amount of code to your application.
This code is provided for you in the Lesson6 directory.

To add the reactor callback functions to your program

  1. Copy the gpreact.lsp file from the TutorialVisualLISPLesson6 directory to your MyPath working directory.
  2. Open the GPath project (if it is not already open), and click the Project Properties button in the
    gpath project window.
  3. Add the gpreact.lsp file to your project.
  4. The gpreact.lsp file can reside anywhere in the order of files between utils.lsp, which must remain first, and gpmain.lsp, which should remain as the last file. Move any files, if necessary, then click OK.
  5. Open the gpreact.lsp file by double-clicking on the file name within the gpath project window.

Read through the comments in the file to help you understand what it is doing. Note
that all the callback functions are stubbed out; the only functionality they perform
is to display alert messages when they are fired.

The last function in the file is so important it deserves a heading of its own.

Learning AutoCad

b 8, 2017 The reactor callback functions add a substantial amount of code to your application. This code is provided for you in the Lesson6 directory.reactor callback functions add a substantial amount of code to your application. This code is provided for you in the Lesson6 directory. To add the reactor …… In Lesson 6, you registered two callback functions with object reactor events. The gp:outline-erased function was associated with the:vlr-erased …callback functions to a Deferred, and once it gets a result these … In addition Deferreds allow the developer to register a callback for an error, with the … callLater(4, reactor.stop) # start up the Twisted reactor (event loop handler)  …callback functions to a Deferred, and once it gets a result these … In addition Deferreds allow the developer to register a callback for an error, with the … callLater(4, reactor.stop) # start up the Twisted reactor (event loop handler)  …callbacks are (by default) synchronous. However, as the Twisted doc points out: … A function returns a deferred object; then i add a list of callbacks … from twisted.internet import reactor, defer def callback_func_2(result, …… from twisted.internet import reactor def on_failure(err): print "Error:", … When it's fired, it'll call the function added by addCallback, or, in case of …function by adding reactor creation logic. To add reactor creation logic to C:GPath. Replace … The callbacks Argument is a list comprisedreactor development by creating an account on GitHub. … takes work and feeds it to an asynchronous function that accepts an error-first callback.callback function, passing to it certain information applicable to the Event in the form of arguments.

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