
Action Node Icon Reference

    Action Node Icon Reference

    When an action macro is recorded, each action or input in the action macro file is
    represented by a node in the Action Tree.

    The following table lists the icon for each of the actions and input values that
    can appear in the Action Tree.

    Icon Action Node Name Description

    Pause for User Input A pause for input will be made during playback.

    User Text Message A user message will be displayed during playback.

    Insert Base Point A request to specify a base point will be made during playback.

    Command A node that contains all recorded input for a command.

    Action Macro The top-level node that contains all the actions associated with the action macro.


    Absolute Coordinate Point The absolute coordinate values of the point acquired during recording.

    Relative Coordinate Point The relative coordinate values based on the previous coordinate values in the action

    Prompt Interaction/Keyword A prompt or keyword interaction. This action node cannot be changed to request user

    Angle An angle value.

    Distance A distance value.

    Real (Double) A real, double-precision numeric value.

    Integer An integer numeric value.

    String A text string value.

    Scale Factor A scaling value.

    Color A color value.

    Selection Results The final selection set that is used by a command. It contains a node for each sub-selection.


    Macro-created object Selection A selection set that contains only the objects that have been created within the current
    action macro.

    Use Pick First Selection The existing selection set will be replaced by the objects selected before the start
    of the playback for the action macro.

    Request User Input (Selection) A request for an object selection.

    Properties Palettes Indicates that a change was made with the Properties or Quick Properties palette.


    Property A property change made with the Properties or Quick Properties palette.

    Object Filtering A selection made with an object filter applied using either the Properties or Quick
    Properties palette. It indicates which object filter type was used.

    Modal Dialog A node that contains the recorded dialog box that will be displayed during playback.


    View Change (Observation Change) A view change occurred that was not explicitly made by a command or a change in coordinates.


    UCS Change A UCS change occurred that was not explicitly made by a command or a change in coordinates.

    Learning AutoCad

    e following table lists the icon for each of the actions and input values that can appear in the Action Tree. Icon Action Node Name Description Pause for User …Icon, Description, Example. 3d_rotation, 3d_rotation, Try it. accessibility, accessibility, Try it. accessible, accessible, Try it. account_balance, account_balance …Icons Intro Icons Action Icons Alert Icons AV Icons Communication Icons Content Icons Device Icons Editor Icons File Icons Hardware Icons Image Icons …Nodes with icons; Use HTML markup to enhance how Nodes are … Enhancing Display Names with HTML; Providing Icons; Actions and Nodes ….. reference its EventNode , so if the Node 's parent is collapsed, the Node can be …… 3 Map Action Fields; 4 Menu Actions; 5 Icon Actions; 6 Clusters Condition; 7 How it Works Together … Map Indicators set the status of the node to trouble (this. … Set as CI: Replaces the value in the original incident's reference …… When choosing an icon for your own app or action: Look through … Find an icon that represents your app or action well. …. iconreferencenode.Icon Reference. … Aggregation or root node. Backup pseudowire edge. • Local IP ….. right-clicking the VNE and choosing Actions > Maintenance). The VNE …… Icons and images are used widely by IntelliJ Platform plugins. Plugins need icons mostly for actions, custom components renderers, tool …Icon Naming Specification: Actions, Places, and Status. … align-horizontal-node, Align nodes horizontally, Node-align- horizontal.png …. help-keyboard-shortcuts, Keyboard and mouse reference …

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