Action Macro Example: Insert a Block and Change a Dynamic Property Value
In this example, you learn how to insert a dynamic block from a tool palette and change
its dynamic properties using the Properties palette.
In this example, you learn how to
- Record and save an action macro
- Record actions from the Tool Palettes window
- Modify an object using the Properties palette
- Remove action nodes from an action macro
- Insert a base point
- Play back an action macro
Start Recording an Action Macro
You record actions with the Action Recorder panel. To display the Action Recorder
panel and start recording, perform this step:
- Click Manage tab
Action Recorder panel
Record Actions from the Tool Palettes Window
Once recording is started, you can record the actions performed by tools on tool palettes
and property changes made with the Properties palette. From the Tool Palettes window,
you will place the I Beam – Imperial dynamic block from the Structural tool palette
and change one of the block’s dynamic properties with the Properties palette. Follow
these steps:
- At the Command prompt, enter toolpalettes to display the Tool Palettes window.
- At the Command prompt, enter properties to display the Properties palette.
- In the Tool Palettes window, under the All Palettes group, click the Structural tab.
- On the Structural tab, click the I Beam – Imperial tool.
- On the Properties palette, under the Custom category, click the Beam Sizes field.
- On the Beam Sizes drop-down list, select IPE A 140.
- In the drawing area, specify the insertion point for the block.
Stop Recording and Save an Action Macro
After all the actions have been recorded, you stop recording and save the recorded
actions to an action macro file. Follow these steps:
- Click Manage tab
Action Recorder panel
- In the Action Macro dialog box, do the following
- In the Action Macro Command Name box, enter InsertIPEA140.
- In the Description box, enter Inserts an IPE A 140 beam.
- Click OK.
Remove an Action
When you record an action macro, additional actions are sometimes recorded that you
do not want to occur when you play back the action macro. For example, while recording
this example you displayed the Tool Palettes window and Properties palette. These
actions are not needed to play back the action macro. To remove an action, follow
these steps:
- On the Manage tab, expand the Action Recorder panel.
- In the Action Tree, select the TOOLPALETTES action node under the Action Macro node
and right-click. Click Delete. - Select the PROPERTIES action node and right-click. Click Delete.
Prompt for Insertion Point
The coordinate values used when recording an action macro are the same values used
when the action macro is played back, unless you insert a base point into the action
macro or insert a pause for user input. To prompt for a coordinate value, follow these
- On the Manage tab, expand the Action Recorder panel.
- In the Action Tree, right-click the coordinate value under the EXECUTETOOL action
node. Click Pause for User Input.
Play Back the Action Macro
When you play back the action macro, you are prompted to specify the insertion point
of the block. To see the results of the action macro, follow these steps:
- Click Manage tab
Action Recorder panel, in the Action Macro list, choose InsertIPEA140.
- Click Play.
- When prompted to specify a base point, click a base point in the drawing area to insert
the block.As the block is inserted, the beam size selected from the Properties palette is used.
- In the Action Macro – Playback Complete dialog box, click OK.
Related References
Related Concepts
>Action Macro Example: Insert a Block and Change a Dynamic Property Value. In- Product View Help. Applies to AutoCAD 2016, AutoCAD Architecture 2016, …example shows how to insert a dynamic block from a tool palette and change its … Record and save an action macro; Record actions from the Tool Palettes …macros with the Action Recorder » … For example, for a desk, I created a Linear Parameter and a Stretch Action. I renamed the Linear parameter's label to Length in the Properties palette. … After you insert the block, you'll see the value of the field. … In this example, changing the length makes the desk longer.Insert tab ➢ Block Defi nition panel ➢ Create Block … For an object to inherit a property value from a block reference, the object's …. prompt using scripts, menu or action macros, and even AutoLISP® programming language … The following example explains how to replace a block defi nition with the …… You can change the property for any grip and define the order in which AutoCAD cycles to them … Open the sample drawing Wall Base.dwg. 2. ….. the Insert Field button next to the Value … You scale dynamic block geometry using a scale action. …… Examine the CountBlockRefs macro in the VBA editor.example: dynamic block "New Header", in the Jelly it displays … How does the CMS know which macro to use with each content … That property is then called in the render() function on the following … Simply put, ServiceNow is using a URL command to replace the properties of the dynamic block with …Macro Names in a Menu; Running a Specific … This tutorial will describe and provide examples for two types of automation functions. … Each command set block will have a name and consist of commands and comments. ….. Example – Decisions based on Parasite / Property Values.convert it to the rich text editor format as you type. … Insert a block of wiki markup (or markdown) into the Confluence editor. ….. of the HTML image tag as a comma separated list of name=value pairs. … Storage format and wiki markup examples have been included in the documentation for each macro.Sample of my Work. … user to easily adjust the tolerance used for dimension comparison, and the properties of the layer assigned to overlapping dimensions.… In this tutorial, learn how to create your own custom dynamic stamp. … In this example, the file name is mkWXAu6ok-vDmYeXdpd4EB.pdf. …. event.value = ( new Date()). … Also, how do you change the date format so it will spell out the month. … You could create an Action to do this using Acrobat Pro.