
Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk Showcase)

    Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk Showcase)

    (AutoCAD Suites only) Customizes workflow settings that prepare your drawing to be
    opened and rendered in Autodesk Showcase.

    Access Methods

    Application menu Suite Workflows Select a Showcase workflow Settings


    The settings in this version of the Workflow Settings Editor are available for all
    workflows that send documents to Showcase for rendering.

    List of Options

    The following options are displayed.


    Controls the tessellation and level of detail (smoothness) of the imported data.

    Geometry settings control the conversion of the AutoCAD input model to meshes in Showcase. The workflow results in a Showcase model that has one level of detail
    (1LOD) with one mesh per object, or multiple levels of detail. Using a 1LOD setting
    provides improved rendering performance, and is suitable for multi-part models.

    Conversion Settings
    Specifies how objects are converted to Showcase meshes. The setting you select affects
    display quality and performance.

    Code Setting Name Description
    001 All Purpose The default setting, and a good general choice. It creates three different LODs in
    a wide range. Most objects look good with this setting, though you may find it is
    best suited to exterior scenes with large objects, potentially with ground planes,
    where you might use moderate close-ups from time to time.
    002 Large Parts Recommended for large-scale designs such as bridges and city views. This script creates
    three LODs, optimized for larger parts. Small details do not render as well, but this
    script produces fewer polygons than the All-Purpose script, and therefore can result
    in better performance for medium and large objects.
    003 Small Details Recommended for small-scale designs such as hand-held consumer products. This script
    creates three LODs, optimized for smaller parts. More polygons are created, but this
    results in good quality for smaller scenes. It can also produce good results on moderate
    sized scenes that have many small details that are important to the user. Use this
    setting for small- to medium-sized models, like an ice skate or a dashboard; not recommended
    for large curved surfaces or shapes.
    004 1LOD Low One LOD with a smaller number of polygons. This option provides good performance for
    large models, with reduced quality in close-ups.
    005 1LOD Medium One LOD with a moderate number of polygons. This option is good for medium-sized models.

    006 1LOD High One LOD with a large number of polygons. This option is good for small models, but
    has a bigger impact on performance.

    Visual Style

    Visual style settings for Showcase are of two general types: abstract and realistic.
    Abstract styles are recommended for conceptual designs or work in progress, as they
    clearly show the relative sizes and proportions of objects. Realistic styles are recommended
    for more advanced designs, as these styles show details more clearly.

    Visual Style
    Specify one of the following visual styles

    Visual Style Setting Description
    Realistic–No shadows Provides faster performance.
    Realistic–Ambient shadows Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) is active, providing soft shadows. Directional
    environment shadows are disabled.
    Realistic–Shadows Directional environment shadows are active and ambient shadows are disabled.
    Realistic–Both shadows and ambient shadows This is the default visual style. It enables both ambient and environment shadows
    for a more realistic hardware rendering of the scene.
    Realistic–Ray tracing This option produces the most realistic visual style. With ray tracing, objects can
    reflect each other. Other benefits of ray tracing are more accurate rendering of transparency
    and scene illumination.
    Abstract–Flat color This option displays the model without shading. It turns on geometry edges and renders
    the materials as the average color of their textures. Ambient shadows, reflections,
    and the environment light are not displayed.
    Abstract–Toon color This option renders the scene as a cartoon illustration, using geometry edges and
    the average colors of the materials. Ambient shadows and reflections are not displayed.

    Abstract–Shaded textures This option generates a shaded look for the model. It displays the geometry edges
    and renders the materials with textures, but without reflections or bump. Ambient
    shadows and reflections are not displayed.
    Abstract–Tech This is an ideal choice for illustrations of models with reflective materials. The
    textures and environment reflections are enabled. Ambient shadows are not displayed.
    Both the geometry and the environment are rendered as an illustration.
    Abstract–Realistic This option renders the model realistically, and enhances the look by adding geometry
    edges. Ambient shadows and environment reflections are enabled.

    Background Environment

    Provides visual context and lighting for your drawing.

    The environments are not simple background images. They cast light, so the surroundings
    can be reflected in the surfaces of your design. Choices are largely subjective, but
    some VCadelines are provided. Both the Showcase Environment and the Large-Scale Environment
    menus have the same options.

    Showcase Environment
    Sets the environment to use for designs. The following settings are available.

    For this design size Use one of these settings
    Very large models
    • BP Black-White (Scale Independent – Abstract)
    • BP Generic (Scale Independent – Abstract). Gray background.
    • BP Gradient (Scale Independent – Abstract)
    • Empty (Scale Independent – Abstract). No image, which is good for controlling color
    Up to 70 m in size
    • Grass Field (Building Size – Realistic)
    • White Room (Building Size – Abstract)
    • Black Room (Building Size – Abstract)
    Up to 7 m in size
    • Country Road (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Daylight Gypsum Crater (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Desert Dawn Road (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Docks (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Dry Lake Bed (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Exhibit Hall (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Night Plaza (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Night Street (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Old Warehouse (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Sepulveda (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Stuttgart (Car Size – Realistic)
    • Generic (Car Size – Abstract)
    • Photo Studio (Car Size – Realistic)
    Up to 1 m in size
    • Empty Lab (Chair Size – Realistic)
    • ID Hardwood (Chair Size – Realistic)
    • ID Bloom (Chair Size – Abstract)
    • ID Box Sweep (Chair Size – Abstract)
    • ID Simple Skylight (Chair Size – Abstract)
    • ID Speed (Chair Size – Abstract)
    • ID Tech (Chair Size – Abstract)

    If Model is Larger Than
    Specifies the maximum linear dimension in meters for a smaller design.
    Large-Scale Environment
    Sets the environment to use for designs with a linear dimension that exceeds the
    specified value.

    These available options are the same as those available for Showcase Environment.

    Ground Plane Level
    Specifies the ground level in relation to the model. The ground plane receives shadows
    from the model. It can be placed at the bottom of the model, or match the Inventor
    Ground Plane. For buildings, which can have underground details, the user can specify
    an elevation for the ground level.
    Center Environment on Model
    is a recommended setting, as it centers the environment without moving the model.
    Moving the model is not recommended when you import Inventor constraints or when you
    assemble the scene out of multiple files.


    Walk zones simulate walkable areas in the scene, based on visible objects and the
    environment floor. This feature is useful for large scenes that contain traversable
    characteristics such as stairs and hallways. Walk zones work with the SteeringWheels
    walk mode or the keyboard arrow keys.

    Create Walk Zone for Interactive Walkthrough
    For architectural environments, creates a walk zone for a user to navigate interactively
    at eye level through a designed space.

    Learning AutoCad

    utoCAD Suites only) Customizes workflow settings that prepare your drawing to be opened and rendered in Autodesk Showcase. Access Methods Application  …Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk Showcase) …Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk Showcase) …workflow settings, copy workflows, … the drawing settings to be opened in Autodesk Showcase or Autodesk 3ds Max. … the Workflow Settings Editor, where you can change and save workflow settings.Workflow Settings Editor, click Information. In the About section, the Source entry shows the path to the new workflow and other user workflows.workflow converts the settings in your AutoCAD drawing to be used in other … Suite workflow that prepares your drawing for import into Autodesk Showcase or  …Workflow Settings Click Application menu Suite Workflows the workflowEditor (Autodesk Showcase) · Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk 3ds Max) …Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk Showcase) …workflow settings, copy workflows, or remove … Editor (Autodesk Showcase) · Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk 3ds Max) …Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk Showcase) · Workflow Settings Editor …

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