
Viewport Scale (Status Bar Button)

Viewport Scale (Status Bar Button)

Sets the scale of the selected layout viewport relative to paper space.


Standard or Custom Scale is a property of a layout viewport. Click the button to
change the scale. You can modify the list of scales that are displayed in all view
and plot scale lists with SCALELISTEDIT.

  Shows the current display scale of the selected layout viewport.
Linked To None
Shortcut Key None

Learning AutoCad

>Viewport Scale (Status Bar Button) Sets the scale of the selected layout viewport relative to paper space. Standard or Custom Scale is a property of a layout viewport. Click the button to change the scale.Viewport Scale (Status Bar Button) Sets the scale of the selected layout viewport relative to paper space. Standard or Custom Scale is a property of a layout viewport. Click the button to change the scale.viewport scale of the selected or current layout viewport to match its annotation scale. Find This button is visible only when you select a viewport.viewport scale of the selected or current layout viewport to match its annotation scale. Find This button is visible only when you select a viewport.toolbar button for setting scale to the image pulled into a viewport is just resently GONE and i can't find …scale factor of a view in a layout viewport … palette; The XP option of the ZOOM command; The Viewports Scale on the status bar … you can use the Reset button in the Edit Drawing Scales dialog box to add the …Status Bar Button Name Description Find Coordinates Displays the coordinates of … on the status bar when the viewport scale and annotation scale are equal.

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