
Using Angles and Setting Up Points

Using Angles and Setting Up Points

There are still a couple of issues remaining. First, you need to figure out how to
draw the path at any angle the user specifies. From the gp:getPointInput function, you can easily establish the primary angle of the path. To draw it, you
need a couple of additional vectors perpendicular to the primary angle.

This is where the Degrees-Radians function is useful. The following code fragment demonstrates how you can set up your
two perpendicular vectors using the PathAngle variable as an argument passed to the Degrees-Radians function:

(setq angp90 (+ PathAngle (Degrees-Radians 90))
      angm90 (- PathAngle (Degrees-Radians 90)))

With the data you now have in hand, you can establish the four corner points of the
path using polar function:

(setq p1 (polar StartPt angm90 HalfWidth)
      p2 (polar p1 PathAngle PathLength)
      p3 (polar p2 angp90 Width)
      p4 (polar p3 (+ PathAngle (Degrees-Radians 180))

The polar function returns a 3D point at a specified angle and distance from a point. For instance,
polar locates p2 by projecting p1 a distance of PathLength along a vector oriented at an angle of PathAngle, counter-clockwise from the x-axis.

Learning AutoCad

ere are still a couple of issues remaining. First, you need to figure out how to draw the path at any angle the user specifies. From the gp:getPointInput function,  …Using Angles and Setting Up Points. Help. Applies to AutoCAD 2017, AutoCAD Architecture 2017, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017, AutoCAD Electrical 2017, AutoCAD …set out a right angle from a certain point on the base line; … The second person holds the 3 m mark in line with pole (A) and peg (C), …using the. 3rd leveling screw … telescope and the mirror target can be setup directly below the target. ▫ … Backsight by angle: must know instrument coordinates and … known survey points with the.points in the distributor, the normal way of … lead The contact-breaker setting can be accurately measured with a dwell meter. … points closed – may be 52 degrees; the remaining 38 degrees are taken up by  …With the Tape Measure tool ( ), you can measure a distance and set precise guide lines … Note: Guide lines and guide points are temporary dashed lines used as … The up arrow locks the blue axis, the left arrow locks the green axis, and the …point. List the relevant angle relationship in the diagram. Set up and solve an equation to find the value of . Find the measurement of one …using the polygone tool, but … up the angles easier, or to set certain angles when creating shapes. … But if I want to rotate around a pivot point with an exact angle (that is not 45° etc?)point P, … Use the tan function on both angles, and solve the equation … Still, your equations made me realize that if I solved for height, I could set both equations equal to each other. … That way they don't waste their time and yours coming up with …Aug 7, 2013

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