
To Work With Plot Files

To Work With Plot Files

You can use any plotter configuration to create plot files that can be used with
spooling software or given to a service bureau for output.

Create a Plot (PLT) File

  1. Click Output tabPlot panelPlot. Find
  2. In the Plot dialog box, under Printer/Plotter, in the Name box, select a plotter configuration.
    NOTE: You must use the correct plotter configuration for the output device in order to
    produce a valid PLT file.

  3. If the Plot to File option is available and is not selected, select it.
  4. Select plot settings for the plot file as needed.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Browse for Plot File dialog box, select a location and enter a file name for
    the plot file.
  7. Click Save.

Create a Batch File for Plot Spooling

Plot files are meant to be used with spooling software or to be given to a service
bureau for output. A simple batch file can be used to output PLT files.

  1. Open a text editor and save a batch file to a folder where you save your PLT files.
  2. Name the batch file something like MySpooler.bat.
  3. Add a single line to the batch file that reads:

    copy%1 serverprinter

    The%1 is a parameter that the batch file will replace with the name of the .plt file being sent to the output device.

    TIP: If the output device is connected directly to the computer, you can substitute the
    print server path with the printer port, such as LPT1.

  4. Save the batch file and close the text editor.

Plot a PLT File from a Batch File

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and change directories to the folder containing your
    PLT file and the spooling batch file from the previous procedure.
  2. At the command prompt, enter the following:

    MySpooler.bat MyDrawing.plt

    where MySpooler.bat is the name of the batch file you created and MyDrawing.plt is the name of the plot file.

The PLT file is copied to the output device and the drawing is created.

Learning AutoCad

eate a Plot (PLT) File. Click Output tab Plot panel Plot. In the Plot dialog box, under Printer/Plotter, in the Name box, select a plotter configuration. If the Plot to File option is available and is not selected, select it. Select plot settings for the plot file as needed. Click OK.… An AutoCAD plot file (PLT) is one of the easiest ways to send a drawing to … Ling Partnership prefers to use free solutions whenever possible, …To Work With Plot Files …to open plot files (.plt) and print them in Arch Desktop 3.3 on … Easy to use installation and uninstallation software.use the 'Plot to file' option in the plotter dialog, this will be the default location for your PLT file. This will also be the default location for PDF's, DWF's or any …use the same geometry (AutoCAD drawing) to produce multiple plots with different visual aspects by using a different CFG file for each plot. Or, you can  …to save a plot to a file using matplotlib. … we'll quickly go over how to use the library to generate a basic chart for your own testing …To check for example what are the log files for november 24, 2004, type … Use PLOT to draw each Secondary Position encoder as a function of altitude: READ 1  …… Use the Plot command to Plot or Cut the displayed pieces. Files can be plotted on a plotting device connected directly to one of the serial or …file into a tool that is capable of reading space-delimieted files, such as Excel, and use its native plotting capabilities to generate the plots; load the file …

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