
To Work With Backgrounds and Shadows

    To Work With Backgrounds and Shadows

    Specify solid, gradient, image, sun/sky, or image-based lighting (IBL) maps as the
    background to model space or a viewports.

    Control the Display of Shadows

    1. In the viewport, upper-left corner, click the Visual Style Controls and Visual Styles

      Alternatively, click View tab Palettes panel (expanded) Visual Styles Find or Visualize tab Visual Styles panel Dialog box launcher

    2. In the Visual Styles Manager, select a visual style other than 2D Wireframe.
    3. Under the Lighting category, enable Highlight Intensity and set the following properties:
      • Highlight Intensity
      • Shadow Display

    Display the View Manager to Set a Background

    1. In the viewport, upper-left corner, click the View Controls and View Manager.

      Alternatively, click View tab Views panel View Manager or Visualize tab Views panel View Manager. Find

    2. In the View Manager, click the name of the view you want to modify. If the view is
      not displayed, expand the appropriate node in Views list.

    Set a Solid Viewport Background

    1. In the View Manager, Properties panel, under General category, click the Background
      Override field and select Solid.
    2. In the Background dialog box, under the Solid Options section, click the Color swatch.
    3. In the Select Color dialog box, specify the color you want to use for the background
      and click OK.
    4. In the Background dialog box, click OK to return to the View Manager.
    5. In the View Manager, click Set Current and then click OK.

    Set a Gradient Viewport Background

    1. In the View Manager, Properties panel, under General category, click the Background
      Override field and select Gradient.
    2. In the Background dialog box, under the Gradient Options section, specify the desired
      options for the gradient fill.

      • Check Three Color to create a three color gradient background.
      • Click on each color swatch to display the Select Color dialog box and specify the
        color you want to use.
      • Enter a rotation value for the gradient fill in the Rotation text box.
    3. In the Background dialog box, click OK to return to the View Manager.
    4. In the View Manager, click Set Current and then click OK.

    Set an Image as a Viewport Background

    1. In the View Manager, Properties panel, under General category, click the Background
      Override field and select Image.
    2. In the Background dialog box, under the Image Options section, click Browse and specify
      the image for the background. Click Open.
    3. Click Adjust Image.
    4. In the Adjust Background Image dialog box, specify the desired options for the image
      and click OK.

      • Specify the position for the image by choosing an option from the Image Position drop-down
      • Click Offset or Scale to adjust what functionality the sliders have.
      • Check Maintain Aspect Ratio When Scaling to have the image scale uniformly.
      • Drag the sliders to adjust the offset or scale of the image based on the current setting.
    5. In the Background dialog box, click OK to return to the View Manager.
    6. In the View Manager, click Set Current and then click OK.

    Enable the Sun/Sky as a Viewport Background

    Before changing the background, make sure that photometric lighting is enabled.

    • Click Visualize tab Lights panel (expanded) Lighting Units drop-down American Lighting Units Find or International Lighting Units Find.

      Photometric lighting is enabled, and American or International lighting units is set.

    After photometric lighting has been enabled, you can enable the Sun/Sky and specify
    the desired settings.

    1. Display the View Manager.
    2. In the View Manager, Properties panel, under General category, click the Background
      Override field and select Sun & Sky.
    3. In the Adjust Sun & Sky Background dialog box, specify the desired options for the
      background and click OK.
    4. Click OK to return to the View Manager.
    5. In the View Manager, click Set Current and then click OK.

    Set an Image-based Lighting Map as a Viewport Background

    1. Display the View Manager.
    2. In the View Manager, select an existing view or create a new view.
    3. Click Set Current and then click OK.
    4. Click Visualize tab Render panel (expanded) Environment. Find
    5. On the Render Environment & Exposure palette, click the Environment toggle to enable
      image-based lighting.
    6. Click the Image Based Lighting drop-down list and select an image.
    7. Select the Use IBL Image as Background option.
    8. Optionally, drag the Rotation slider or enter a value in the Rotation text box to
      adjust the rotation of the image.

    Learning AutoCad

    ecify solid, gradient, image, sun/sky, or image-based lighting (IBL) maps as the background to model space or a viewports. Control the Display of Shadows In …backgrounds in Model Space viewports . Control the Display of Shadows Click View tabVisual Styles panelVisual …backgrounds and shadows in the viewport. … Mapped object shadows are shadows cast by objects onto other objects. … Note: Starting with AutoCAD 2016-based products, all lights generate and all objects cast and receive shadows when use the Use Background material to catch a shadow. The following is a simple example of how to use the Use Background material to catch shadows.Mar 30, 2011… To do this we'll use the Luminosity channel in Photoshop. 1. Open up the image of an object whose shadows you want to keep intact. For this …… First example: background-clip + text-shadow … I then decided that this would be a good opportunity to use a data attribute & generated content …… We can use box-shadow and border-image inside background-image , we can use there outline , and even transform . We can rotate CSS …… to render an object with shadows but without the … If not you can do a second pass with the use background shader(if I'm not mistaking) on …shadow and text-shadow syntax and how to change …. The secret ingredient to make everything work is the “background-clip”  …

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