Storing the Return Value of Gp:getPointInput in a Variable
Now try something else. Call the function again, but this time store the return value
in a variable named gp_PathData. To do this, enter the following at the Console window prompt:
(setq gp_PathData (gp:getPointInput))
To view the value of the variable you just set, enter its name at the Console window
Visual LISP returns data like the following:
((10 2.17742 1.15771 0.0) (11 13.2057 7.00466 0.0) (40 . 1.12747) (50 . 0.487498) (41 . 12.4824))
v 22, 2014 … Store the results of the function in a variable named echo. Bummer! Hmmm. It doesn't look like you're storing the returned value in the echo …… Do I even need the "var year = new Date().getFullyear();" code block that was asked of me in step 2? I don't know why but this JS is getting the …return $value. like this: echo $value. Then you can capture …return value. But you are not …return the value. Once you've done that, you can assign a name to the return value just like anything else: def randombb(): …