
Plot Style Table Editor

Plot Style Table Editor

Modifies the plot styles in a plot style table.

If the plot style table is attached to a layout or the Model tab, and you change
a plot style, any objects that use that plot style are affected. If the plot style
table is color-dependent, the file extension is CTB. If the plot style table is named,
the file extension is STB. For information, see “Use Plot Styles to Control Plotted

Open the Plot Style Table Editor with any of the following methods:

  • Double-click a CTB or STB file in the Plot Style Manager.
  • Right-click a CTB or STB file in the Plot Style Manager, and then choose Open from
    the shortcut menu.
  • Choose Plot Style Table Editor from the Finish screen in the Add Plot Style Table
  • In the Page Setup dialog box under Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments), select a plot
    style and click the Edit button.
  • In the Current Plot Style and Select Plot Style dialog boxes, choose Editor.

The Plot Style Table Editor includes two tabs.

Learning AutoCad

. a drawing. There are two types of plot style tables: color-dependent (CTB files) and named (STB files) … Click Add or click Edit Plot Styles Table. Method #3.Plot Style Table Editor with …plot styles in a plot style table. Lists all of the plot styles in the plot style table and their settings. Plot styles are displayed in columns from left to right.Plot Style Table Editor, Form View tab, under …Plot style tables contain several settings that are not self-explanatory or fully … In the Plotter Configuration Editor, select the Device and Document Settings tab …Editing. Plot Style Tables. The plot style tables supplied with AutoCAD are appropriate for many plotting applications. Use the monochrome. ctb or …Sep 24, 2014Plot Style Table Editor button.plot styles table editor.Plot Style Table Editor dialog box opens to the Form View tab if you're creating a color-dependent plot style table, or to the Table View tab if you create a …

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