
Loading a Specific Dialog Into Memory

Loading a Specific Dialog Into Memory

It was noted earlier that a single DCL file may contain multiple dialog box definitions.
The next step in using a dialog is to specify which dialog box definition to display.
The following code demonstrates this:

(if (and dialogLoaded
        (not (new_dialog "gp_mainDialog" dcl_id))
     ) ;_ end of and
      ;; There's a problem...
      (princ "
Cannot show dialog gp_mainDialog")
      (setq dialogShow nil)
    ) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if

Notice how the and function is used to test if the dialog was loaded and if the call to new_dialog was successful. If there are multiple expressions evaluated within an and function call, evaluation of subsequent expressions is terminated with the first
expression that evaluates to nil. In this case, if the dialogLoaded flag is nil (meaning the load function in the previous section failed), Visual LISP does not
attempt to perform the new_dialog function.

Notice that the code also accounts for the possibility that something might not be
working properly with the DCL file, and sets the dialogShow variable to nil if that is the case.

The new_dialog function simply loads the dialog into memory—it does not display it. The start_dialog function displays the dialog box. All dialog box initialization, such as setting
tile values, creating images or lists for list boxes, and associating actions with
specific tiles must take place after the new_dialog call and before the start_dialog call.

Learning AutoCad

was noted earlier that a single DCL file may contain multiple dialog box definitions. The next step in using a dialog is to specify which dialog box definition to …Loading the Dialog File. … Your program first needs to load the DCL file using the load_dialog function. This function … Loading a Specific Dialog into Memory.… This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions. … System Configuration Dialog — Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? … attempt to load a Cisco IOS® software image from Flash memory and load the …. Certifications · Events · Industries · Inside Cisco · Products.load the private key back into PuTTYgen later (see section 8.2.11) and … to avoid this weakness, but we cannot be 100% certain we have managed it, …dialog box 7 … Specific instructions in this document refer to menu and command names in Adobe … on installing Adobe Reader, navigating PDF documents, and using the Adobe Reader Help system …. an entire PDF document into the memory buffer for a screen reader.dialog box, which allows you to select … for how VST plug-ins are substituted depending on whether you are loading in … be loaded into that specific server, bypassing SONAR's automatic memory …dialog boxes . … Out of memory: This error occurs when the system has run out of memory or tries to …

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