
Layer Translator

    Layer Translator

    Access Methods

    Manage tab CAD Standards panel Layer Translator

    Tools CAD Standards Layer Translator

    CAD Standards

    In the Layer Translator, you specify the layers in the current drawing that you want
    to translate, and the layers to translate them to. The translation maps the layers
    in the current drawing to different layer names and layer properties in a specified
    drawing or standards file, and then converts them using those mappings.

    List of Options

    The following options are displayed.

    Translate From

    Specifies the layers to be translated in the current drawing. You can specify layers
    by selecting layers in the Translate From list or by supplying a selection filter.

    The color of the icon preceding the layer name indicates whether or not the layer
    is referenced in the drawing. A dark icon indicates that the layer is referenced;
    a white icon indicates the layer is unreferenced. Unreferenced layers can be deleted
    from the drawing by right-clicking in the Translate From list and choosing Purge Layers.

    Selection Filter

    Specifies layers to be selected in the Translate From list, using a naming pattern
    that can include wild-cards. For a list of valid wild-cards, see the table in Filter
    and Sort the List of Layers in the User’s VCade. The layers identified by the selection filter are selected in addition to any layers
    previously selected.


    Selects the layers specified in Selection Filter.


    Maps the layers selected in Translate From to the layer selected in Translate To.

    Map Same

    Maps all layers that have the same name in both lists.

    Translate To

    Lists the layers you can translate the current drawing’s layers to.


    Loads layers in the Translate To list using a drawing, drawing template, or standards
    file that you specify. If the specified file contains saved layer mappings, those
    mappings are applied to the layers in the Translate From list and are displayed in
    Layer Translation Mappings.

    You can load layers from more than one file. If you load a file that contains layers
    of the same name as layers already loaded, the original layers are retained and the
    duplicate layers are ignored. Similarly, if you load a file containing mappings that
    duplicate mappings already loaded, the original mappings are retained and the duplicates
    are ignored.


    Defines a new layer to be shown in the Translate To list for translation. If you select
    a Translate To layer before choosing New, the selected layer’s properties are used
    as defaults for the new layer. You cannot create a new layer with the same name as
    an existing layer.

    Layer Translation Mappings

    Lists each layer to be translated and the properties to which the layer will be converted.
    You can select layers in this list and edit their properties using Edit.


    Opens the Edit Layer dialog box, where you can edit the selected translation mapping.
    You can change the layer’s color, linetype, lineweight, and transparency. If all drawings
    involved in translation use plot styles, you can also change the plot style for the


    Removes the selected translation mapping from the Layer Translation Mappings list.


    Saves the current layer translation mappings to a file for later use.

    Layer mappings are saved in the DWG or DWS file format. You can replace an existing
    file or create a new file. The Layer Translator creates the referenced layers in the
    file and stores the layer mappings in each layer. All linetypes used by those layers
    are also copied into the file.


    Opens the Settings dialog box, where you can customize the process of layer translation.


    Starts layer translation of the layers you have mapped.

    If you have not saved the current layer translation mappings, you are prompted to
    save the mappings before translation begins.

    Learning AutoCad

    cess Methods Manage tab CAD Standards panel Layer Translator Tools CAD Standards Layer Translator CAD Standards In the Layer Translator, you specify …Aug 9, 2014… I received a set of DWG files from a client and want to clean up the layers to my CAD standards, how do I do it and not take days or having to …… The Layer Translator is one of those many features in AutoCAD that gets little mention if at all but can save you a great deal of time. It has been …… Within this post we will review the Layer Translator in AutoCAD. We have a new intern who decided to draw up an access road detail (Figure 1) …… A great way to do this is to use the LAYTRANS command, that is, the layer translator. You specify sets of Translate From and Translate To …… When you've received a drawing who's layers don't match your standard don't fear the Layer Translator is here to save the day!Layer Translator. 17.4-1. C. A. D. S t a n d a r d s. -. 3 r d. E d i t i o n . –. N o v e m b e r. 2. 0. 1. 6. Section 17.4. Layer Translator. Overview – Section …layer translator to translate all of the old layers to the new layers by just clicking on a button. The reason …

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