
Isometric Drafting (Status Bar Button)

Isometric Drafting (Status Bar Button)

Simulates an isometric view of a 3D object by aligning objects along three major
isometric axes.


Click the drop-down arrow next to the button to specify the isoplane in which you
want to work.

  Isometric drafting is turned on and set to left-facing planes.
  Isometric drafting is turned on and set to top-facing planes.
  Isometric drafting is turned on and set to right-facing planes.
  Isometric drafting is turned off (default).
Shortcut Key None

Learning AutoCad

mulates an isometric view of a 3D object by aligning objects along three major isometric axes. Find Click the drop-down arrow next to the button to specify the …isometric view of a 3D object by aligning objects along three major isometric axes. Find Click the drop-down arrow next to the button to specify the …isometric drafting on or off along with all related settings, and specifies the current 2D isometric … By default, this command is available on the status bar.Isometric Drafting (Status Bar Button) …isometric drafting settings on or off, and specifies the current 2D isometric drafting plane. Find Note: The ISODRAFT command supersedes the ISOPLANE …Isometric Drafting status bar button and select the desired isoplane ( Find). When you are finished with 2D …Isometric Drafting tool on the status bar to select the desired … When you switch from orthographic to isometric drawing, the grid and grid snap …Isometric Drafting status bar button and select the desired isoplane ( Find). When you are finished with 2D …… Isometric drawings are not actual 3D drawings but they are made to appear … snap and grid tab and make sure Isometric snap radio button is checked. … Now make sure ortho mode is turned on from the status bar, if it is not …

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