
Enhanced Attribute Editor

Enhanced Attribute Editor

Lists the attributes in a selected block instance and displays the properties of each

The Enhanced Attribute Editor contains the following tabs:

  • Attribute
  • Text Options
  • Properties

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


The name of the block whose attributes you are editing.


The tag that identifies the attribute. Make sure that the tag name is unique.

Select Block

Temporarily closes the dialog box while you select a block with your pointing device.


Updates the drawing with the attribute changes you have made, and leaves the Enhanced
Attribute Editor open.

Attribute Tab (Enhanced Attribute Editor)

Displays the tag, prompt, and value assigned to each attribute. You can change only
the attribute value.

NOTE:It is important to make sure that attribute tags have unique names. The Enhanced Attribute
Editor will display any duplicate tags in red. Duplicate tags will cause problems
when extracting data or if you use them in dynamic blocks.


Lists the attributes in the selected block instance and displays the tag, prompt,
and value for each attribute.


Assigns a new value to the selected attribute.

Multiple-line attributes include a button with an ellipsis. Click to open the In-Place
Text Editor with the Text Formatting toolbar and the ruler. Depending on the setting
of the ATTIPE system variable, the Text Formatting toolbar displayed is either the
abbreviated version, or the full version

To use a field as the value, right-click and click Insert Field on the shortcut menu
to display the Field dialog box.

Text Options Tab (Enhanced Attribute Editor)

Sets the properties that define the way an attribute’s text is displayed in the drawing.
Change the color of attribute text on the Properties tab.

Text Style

Specifies the text style for the attribute text. Default values for this text style
are assigned to the text properties displayed in this dialog box.


Specifies how the attribute text is justified (left-, center-, or right-justified).


Specifies the height of the attribute text.


Specifies the rotation angle of the attribute text.


Specifies that the attribute is annotative. Annotative objects and styles are used
to control the size and scale at which annotation objects are displayed in model space
or a layout.


Specifies whether or not the attribute text is displayed backwards. Not available
for multiple-line attributes.

Upside Down

Specifies whether or not the attribute text is displayed upside down. Not available
for multiple-line attributes.

Width Factor

Sets the character spacing for the attribute text. Entering a value less than 1.0 condenses the text. Entering a value greater than 1.0 expands it.

Oblique Angle

Specifies the angle that the attribute text is slanted away from its vertical axis.
Not available for multiple-line attributes.

Boundary Width

Specifies the maximum length of the lines of text in a multiple-line attribute before
wrapping to the next line. A value of 0.000 means that there is no restriction on
the length of a line of text. Not available for single-line attributes.

Properties Tab (Enhanced Attribute Editor)

Defines the layer that the attribute is on and the lineweight, linetype, and color
for the attribute text. If the drawing uses plot styles, you can assign a plot style
to the attribute using the Properties tab.


Specifies the layer that the attribute is on.


Specifies the linetype of the attribute.


Specifies the color of the attribute.


Specifies the lineweight of the attribute.

Changes you make to this option are not displayed if the LWDISPLAY system variable
is off.

Plot Style

Specifies the plot style of the attribute.

If the current drawing uses color-dependent plot styles, the Plot Style list is not

Learning AutoCad

e Enhanced Attribute Editor contains the following tabs: Attribute Text Options Properties List of Options The following options are displayed. Block The name …attributes in a block reference without affecting the block or attribute definition. … In the Enhanced Attribute Editor, select the attribute you want to edit. You can change the attribute value or choose another tab and edit other attribute properties.attributes of a block and then select a new block before you  …Enhanced Attribute Editor. I have a drawing frame block with existing …Apr 28, 2015Jan 12, 2017Enhanced Attribute Editor?Enhanced Attribute Editor” dialog box. Lists the …Enhanced Attribute Editor enables you to edit the attributes in an …… Editing Attribute Values. To edit an attribute value, double-click on the block containing the attribute. A new Enhanced Attribute Edit or window …

درباره نویسنده

بنده سیامک دوستداری فارغ التحصیل رشته مکانیک سنگ از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان هستم، و در این وبسایت آموزش های مربوط به نحوه برنامه نویسی در اتوکد و هچنین آموزش تصویری دستورات اتوکد را قرار خواهم داد.

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