
Data View Window

    Data View Window

    Provides the primary interface for viewing and editing external database tables from
    within the program.

    Access Methods

    dbConnect View Data View External Table, Edit External Table, View Linked Table, or Edit Linked Table
    (Displays a dialog box in which you can select a database table to open.)

    dbConnect Manager buttons Select a link template, a label template, or a table from the dbConnect Manager and
    choose View Table or Edit Table

    Right-click a link template or a database table in the dbConnect Manager and choose
    View Table or Edit Table

    Double-click a database table or a link template in the dbConnect Manager. Double-clicking
    a link template that has no links created in the drawing it’s associated with opens
    the Link Template dialog box. The database table is opened in either Edit mode or
    Read-only mode, depending on the dbConnect Settings specified on the System tab of
    the Options dialog box.

    The Data View window displays records from the selected database table. The Data
    View contains a set of buttons, a grid window for viewing and editing records, and
    a set of navigation controls for navigating through the record set. After you open
    the Data View window, the Data View menu is added to the menu bar. You can specify
    whether the Data View window can be docked or anchored by right-clicking the title
    bar and choosing an option from the shortcut menu.

    The appearance of the Data View window is governed by your computer’s system settings,
    and it can be changed in the Windows Control Panel. Text in the cells is displayed
    using the system window text color. If the database table is opened in Read-only mode,
    the cell background is shown using the system 3D objects button shade color (light
    gray by default). If it is opened in Edit mode, the cell background is shown using
    the system window color (white by default). When a cell is selected, it is shown using
    the system- selected items background and text colors.

    List of Options

    The Data View window has the following components.

    Data View Buttons

    Create links and display linked records and graphical objects.


    Links the currently selected database table row or rows to one or more graphical objects.
    The link and, if desired, the label from the currently selected link and label templates
    are created in the Data View window. To change the current link creation setting,
    choose the Link and Label Settings button. Three distinct link methods are available:


    Creates a link to one or more graphical objects without creating a corresponding label.
    If the current drawing has a selection set already established, a link is created
    for each object in the selection set. If the current drawing does not have a current
    selection set, you are prompted to select objects to link to.

    Create Freestanding Label

    Creates a freestanding label that isn’t associated with a graphical object. You are
    prompted to specify an insertion point for the label.

    Create Attached Label

    Creates a link to one or more graphical objects and creates a corresponding label.
    If the current drawing has a selection set already established, a link is created
    for all objects in the selection set. If the current drawing does not have a current
    selection set, you are prompted to select objects to link to.

    View Linked Objects in Drawing

    Selects graphical objects in the current drawing that are linked to the currently
    selected Data View row or rows.

    View Linked Records in Table

    Selects records in the Data View window that are linked to the current selection set
    of graphical objects.

    AutoView Linked Objects in Drawing

    Displays linked objects automatically in the current drawing as you select rows from
    the database table.

    AutoView Linked Records in Table

    Displays linked records automatically in the Data View window as you select graphical
    objects in the current drawing.

    Print Data View

    Prints the contents of the Data View window to the current Microsoft آ® Windows آ® system printer.

    Data View and Query Options

    Opens the Data View and Query Options dialog box, in which you can specify a number
    of settings that affect the interaction and display of linked objects in the Data
    View window and the current drawing.

    Query, Return to Query, and Return to Link Select

    Opens either the New Query dialog box, the Query Editor, or the Link Select dialog
    box, depending on the method used to open the Data View window. If the Data View window
    was opened to view or edit a database table, this button’s tooltip is Query, and choosing
    it opens the New Query dialog box. If the Data View window was opened to return the
    results of a query, this button’s tooltip is Return to Query, and choosing it returns
    you to the Query Editor. If the Data View window was opened to return the results
    of a Link Select operation, this button’s tooltip is Return to Link Select, and choosing
    it returns you to the Link Select dialog box.

    Link Template List

    Creates a new link template, or specifies a link template from those that are defined
    for the open table. The selected link template is applied when you create new links
    in the current drawing. To create a new link template, select the New Link Template
    option from the Link Template list, and then choose the Link button flyout.

    Label Template List

    Creates a new label template, or specifies a label template from those that are defined
    for the currently selected table. The selected label template is applied when you
    create new labels in the current drawing. To create a new label template, select the
    New Label Template option from the Label Template list and choose either the Create
    Freestanding Label or the Create Attached Label button flyout. If there is no link
    template defined for the selected database table in the current drawing, the New Link
    Template dialog box is displayed.

    Data View Grid Window

    Displays a subset of the records from a database table. You can select records by
    clicking the following elements:

    • Column header: Selects all records in that column. Double-clicking a column header sorts its records
      in ascending order. Double-clicking a column header a second time sorts its records
      in descending order.
    • Record header: Selects an individual record. Double-clicking a record header selects any graphical
      objects that the record is linked to in the drawing area.
    • Grid cell: Selects one field of a given record. Double-clicking a cell selects it for editing.
    • Grid header: Selects the entire table. Double-clicking the grid header commits any changes made
      during an editing session and closes the Data View window.

    Column Shortcut Menu

    Displays the following options when you right-click one or more selected column headers.


    Opens the Sort dialog box, in which you can select a combination of up to five columns
    to use in specifying a sort order for the Data View.

    A small triangle in the column header indicates that the data is sorted by that column.


    Removes all selected columns from the Data View display.

    Unhide All

    Restores all hidden columns to the Data View display. Available only if you have hidden
    one or more columns.


    Freezes all selected columns so that they do not scroll when you use the horizontal
    scroll bar. Available only if the selected columns are contiguous.

    Unfreeze All

    Unfreezes all frozen columns so that they scroll when you use the horizontal scroll
    bar. Available only if you have frozen one or more columns.


    Aligns the current column. Standard right-aligns numeric fields and left-aligns all others, Left left-aligns the column cells, Center center-aligns the cells, and Right right-aligns the cells.


    Opens the Find dialog box, which you can use to search for a specific value. Find
    is limited to the values stored in the currently selected column.


    Opens the Replace dialog box, which you can use to search for a specific value to
    overwrite with a replacement value that you specify. Replace is limited to the values
    stored in the currently selected column. Available only for database tables that are
    opened in Edit mode.

    Cell Shortcut Menu

    Displays the following options when you right-click the selected cell.

    View Linked Objects

    Indicates graphical objects in the current drawing that are linked to the selected
    database record.


    Links the current row to a graphical object. The link and, if desired, the label from
    the currently selected link and label templates are created in the Data View. You
    can specify whether a link, a freestanding label, or an attached label is created
    by changing the settings from the Link and Label Settings cell shortcut menu option.

    Link and Label Settings

    Lists the currently selected link creation mode. You can specify whether a link, a
    freestanding label, or an attached label is created when the Link shortcut menu option
    is chosen.


    Opens the Find dialog box, which you can use to search for a specific value. The Find
    shortcut menu option limits its search to records contained in the same column as
    the currently selected cell.


    Opens the Replace dialog box, which you can use to search for a specific value to
    overwrite with a replacement value that you specify. Replace limits its search to
    records contained in the same column as the currently selected cell. Available only
    for database tables that are opened in Edit mode.


    Enables you to change the value of the currently selected cell. Available only for
    database tables that are opened in Edit mode.


    Clears the current cell and copies its value to the Clipboard. Available only for
    database tables that are opened in Edit mode.


    Copies the value from the current cell to the Clipboard.


    Inserts the value currently stored on the Clipboard into the selected cell. Available
    only for database tables that are opened in Edit mode.


    Deletes the value in the current cell. Available only for database tables that are
    opened in Edit mode.

    Record Shortcut Menu

    Displays the following options when you right-click one or more selected record headers.

    View Linked Objects

    Indicates graphical objects in the current drawing that are linked to the selected
    database records.


    Links the selected row or rows to one or more graphical objects. The link and, if
    desired, the label from the currently selected link and label templates are created
    in the Data View window. You can specify whether a link, a freestanding label, or
    an attached label is created by choosing the Link and Label Settings shortcut menu

    Link and Label Settings

    Lists the currently selected link creation mode. You can specify whether a link, a
    freestanding label, or an attached label is created when the Link shortcut menu option
    is chosen.


    Copies the selected records to the Clipboard.

    Delete Record

    Deletes the selected records. Available only for database tables that are opened in
    Edit mode.

    Add New Record

    Adds a new record with blank field values to the end of the record set. Available
    only for database tables that are opened in Edit mode.

    Clear All Marks

    Clears record selection marks from the selected records in the Data View window.

    Grid Header Shortcut Menu

    Displays the following options when you right-click the grid header.


    Saves all changes made in the Data View window to the source database table and closes
    the Data View window. Available only when a database table is open in Edit mode and
    you have edited its values.


    Undoes any changes made to a database table during an editing session and closes the
    Data View window. Available only when a database table is open in Edit mode and you
    have edited its values.

    Unhide All Columns

    Restores any hidden columns to the Data View window display.

    Unfreeze All Columns

    Unfreezes any frozen columns so that they scroll when you use the horizontal scroll

    Clear All Marks

    Clears all record selection marks from the Data View window.

    Print Preview

    Opens the Print Preview window in the Data View window, in which you can preview your
    printed report.


    Prints the contents of the Data View window to the current Windows system printer.


    Opens the Format dialog box, in which you can control how data is displayed in the
    Data View window.

    Data View Print Preview Window

    Loads into the Data View window a preview image of how the current table appears
    when you print it. When the Data View window is in Preview mode, none of the primary
    Data View buttons is available and the navigation buttons are removed from the bottom
    of the window. You can open this dialog box using the following methods:

    Data View Print Preview

    Right-click the grid header in the Data View window and choose Print Preview.


    Opens the default system Print dialog box.

    Next Page

    Presents a preview image of the next page of the database table.

    Prev Page

    Restores the preview image of the previous page of the database table.

    Two Page

    Toggles the display between one and two preview pages. If you choose Two Page, the
    name of the button changes to One Page and vice versa.

    Zoom In

    Magnifies the preview page so that you can view the details more closely.

    Zoom Out

    Shrinks the preview page to display a larger region of the database table.


    Closes the Data View Print Preview window and restores the default Data View window

    Learning AutoCad

    >Data View Window. The Data View window provides a graphical environment for creating, viewing, and editing the database objects that reside on a remote …Data View Window and Visual Database Tools. The Data View window presents a view onto one or more database connections, providing access to the  …View Data View External …… When you view data in SPSS, each row in the Data View represents a case, … The Split option allows you to divide the Data View window into …Data View window is exposed by clicking on the yellow disk icon on the toolbar or by clicking View/Data View window. Opening the Data View window …window titled Data View, the …view allows you to view and interact with the map, but in different ways. Data view provides a geographic window for exploring, displaying, and querying  …Windows. SPSS Data in Data View. One of the primary ways of looking at data file is in Data View, so that you can …data view window from the menu. It is always loaded even if I customize my menu and toolbar to …

    درباره نویسنده

    بنده سیامک دوستداری فارغ التحصیل رشته مکانیک سنگ از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان هستم، و در این وبسایت آموزش های مربوط به نحوه برنامه نویسی در اتوکد و هچنین آموزش تصویری دستورات اتوکد را قرار خواهم داد.

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