Cleaning Up After Your Reactors
Reactors are indeed very active. When you design an application that relies on them,
you could very well spend a great deal of time crashing your program and possibly
crashing AutoCAD as well. It helps to have a tool available to remove all the reactors
you have added, if necessary.
The gpreact.lsp file includes a function gp:clean-all-reactors that does not do much on its own. Instead, it makes a call to the CleanReactors function. Add this function to your utils.lsp file by copying the following code to the end of the file:
;;;--------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Function: CleanReactors ; ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Description: General utility function used for cleaning up ; ;;; reactors. It can be used during debugging, as ; ;;; well as cleaning up any open reactors before ; ;;; a drawing is closed. ; ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------; (defun CleanReactors () (mapcar 'vlr-remove-all '(:VLR-AcDb-reactor :VLR-Editor-reactor :VLR-Linker-reactor :VLR-Object-reactor ) ) )
>Reactors are indeed very active. When you design an application that relies on them, you could very well spend a great deal of time crashing your program and …… Because of the initial flooding after the tsunami, and the gallons and gallons of water injected into the the reactors, there was — and likely still is …… Recent images of the ongoing cleanup work and the ghost towns being … Nearly 30 years after a nuclear reactor caught fire and spewed a …reactors. … Finally, it will look at the schedule for completing the cleanup, and will examine the problems that …. A couple of weeks after the meltdown, TEPCO announced their first “roadmap to …… The cleanup at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant has ended after 14 … 2 reactor , which was destroyed in the nation's worst nuclear plant …… The nuclear reactor that could clean up … But what if we could build a reactor that ran on nuclear waste – a reactor that generated power by cleaning up the most …. Your reporter has fallen for the official spin in reporting the National … need to be told that after 50 years of very costly research conducted at …cleanup is an ongoing attempt to limit radioactive contamination from the three nuclear reactors involved in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster which followed the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. The affected reactors were adjacent to one another and accident …. The shelters were built after the shelters at the plant-compound became …… A remote-controlled cleaning robot sent into a damaged reactor at Japan's Fukushima … After about two hours, the two cameras on the robot suddenly … Both of the robots are designed to withstand up to 1,000 Sieverts of radiation. …. to which your replies dealt with no science and all sloganeering, refusing …… Robot probes show Japan reactor cleanup worse than expected … became inoperable after two hours when its total radiation exposure reached a maximum …. Let's face it, you folk are in over your silly little heads, playing with …… 3 reactor, one of three to have gone through a meltdown in 2011. … of the people exposed to it after one month; however, readings of up to 530 …