
CATIA Translator Reference

    CATIA Translator Reference

    CATIA® (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE
    commercial software suite. CATIA V4 runs on UNIX variants, while CATIA V5 runs on
    Windows as well. The file formats used by CATIA V4 and CATIA V5 are different. The
    IMPORT command supports both CATIA V4 and CATIA V5.

    The following data types are translated:

    • Assemblies
    • Parts
    • Surfaces
    • Solids
    • Wire Geometry (2D & 3D)
    NOTE:Some formats in this topic may not be available in individual AutoCAD-based products.

    CATIA V4

    IMPORT supports all versions of CATIA V4.

    The following CATIA V4 file types can be imported:

    • *.model (model files)
    • *.session (session files)
    • *.exp and *.dlv (export files)

    IMPORT maps all CATIA V4 assembly structures to blocks and block references. Each
    individual part in an input CATIA V4 file is mapped to a block, which in turn is referenced
    from model space. Assemblies are formed by nesting “part” blocks.

    CATIA V4 models can contain components that are set to be invisible/hidden. However,
    once imported, all geometry is visible, regardless of their visibility state in CATIA.

    A CATIA V4 *.exp file can contain more than one model. However, you can import only
    one model per IMPORT session. Hence, when IMPORT detects multiple models, it prompts
    you to specify which model to import.

    CATIA V5

    IMPORT supports CATIA V5 releases 9 through 20.

    The following CATIA V5 file types can be imported:

    • *.CATPart (CATIA part files)
    • *.CATProduct (CATIA assembly files)

    Importing *.CATPart files produces blocks that have the same name as the source file.
    If the file name contains invalid characters, in the corresponding block they are
    replaced by the underscore (_) character.

    Learning AutoCad

    >CATIA® (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is a multi- platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite. CATIA V4 runs on UNIX …CATIA® (CATIA — Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) é um pacote de software comercial CAD/CAM/CAE multiplataforma. O CATIA V4 …CATIA V4 translator, which is a power- ful migration tool that enables Solid Edge users to reference CATIA V4 product design data that is provided by …Translation Roundup: Vendors Reference Guide. July 2007. Welcome to the 2007 Data Translation Roundup. In this roundup ConnectPress provides.… The (Un)Official CATIA to SolidWorks Translator… … their customers (typically OEM's) use it and they need to import their reference data.Catia .model files. Summary. Solid Edge®/Catia translator software is a powerful migration tool for Solid. Edge users who need to reference Catia data …Translators Reference Guide. TTS00003 I ….. All presupplied CAD translators require a postprocessor translator. These translators  …catia translator reference autocad autodesk knowledge …CAD files … all of the separate part files, which in most case can only be used for reference.… CATIA translation reference 2A5B5616-15B6-4B72-876B-20501812054C.htm In the …

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