
Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External References Palette)

Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External References Palette)

Provides an alternative way to access functions in the External References palette.

When working in the File References pane, there are several shortcut menus that can
be displayed when you right-click on file references or empty areas of the pane. The
following tables show the shortcut menu items that you are presented under certain

No Reference Selected

When no file references are selected, the shortcut menu presents the following functions:

Menu Item


Reload All References

Reloads all referenced files. (Unavailable if no file references are attached)

Select All

Selects all file references, excluding the current drawing. This item is not displayed
in tree view.

Attach DWG

Starts the XATTACH command.

Attach Image

Starts the IMAGEATTACH command.

Attach DWF

Starts the DWFATTACH command.

Attach DGN

Starts the DGNATTACH command.

Attach PDF Starts the PDFATTACH command.
Attach Point Cloud Starts the POINTCLOUDATTACH command. (Not available in AutoCAD LT)
Attach Coordination Model Starts the COORDINATIONMODELATTACH command. (Not available in AutoCAD LT)
Tooltip Style

Modifies the tooltip that appears when you hover over an item in the list view of
the palette.

Preview/Details Pane

Turns the display of the Preview/Details pane off and on.


Closes the External References palette.

Reference Selected

When you select a file reference, the shortcut menu presents the following functions:

Menu Item


Reference Status


Opens the selected reference file in the original application in which it was created
(specified by the operating system).

Available only for file references with a Loaded status – Unavailable when Unloaded,
Not Found or Unresolved.


Allows you to change settings such as scale, insertion point, and path type. You can
also attach a different page from the attached PDF file, a different sheet from an
attached DWF file, or a different model name from an attached DGN file.

Always available – status has no affect on this function.


Unloads the selected file references.

Always available. Status has no affect on this function.


Reloads the selected file references.

Always available. Status has no affect on this function.


Detaches the selected file references.

Available for all file references except data link.


Displays the Bind Xrefs dialog box. Only available for referenced DWG files. This
is not available for images and underlays.

Available only for file references with a Loaded status.

Unavailable when Unloaded, Not Found or Unresolved.

Xref Type Attach

Specifies that the selection is an attachment.

Available for DWG xrefs only.

Xref Type Overlay

Specifies that the selection is an overlay.

Available for DWG xrefs only.

Path Make Absolute

Changes a relative path of a reference to a full path.

Available for all file references.

Path Make Relative

Changes the full path of a reference to a relative path.

Available for all file references.

NOTE:If the host drawing is unnamed, this option is not available.

PathRemove Path

Removes the file path from the name of the reference, for referenced files stored
in the same location as the drawing file.

Available for all file references except data link.

Function Key Access

Some tasks in the File References pane can be accessed with function keys.

  • F2 – Accesses the Rename function when a single file reference is selected.
  • F3 – List View toggle.
  • F4 – Tree View toggle.

Learning AutoCad

>Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External References Palette) Provides an alternative way to access functions in the External References palette. When working in the File References pane, there are several shortcut menus that can be displayed when you right-click on file references or empty areas of the pane.buttons at the top of the External References palette to choose the types … (External References Palette) · Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External …references in a list or in a tree structure. … Palette Buttons (External References Palette) · Shortcut Menus and Function Keys ( External …External References palette can be set to display file … (External References Palette) · Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External …External References palette organizes, displays, and manages referenced files, … Shortcut menus provide additional options for working with the files. … Click the buttons to switch from the detail display to a thumbnail preview. … Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External References Palette) · Details / Preview Pane …external reference or xref in the current … ( External References Palette) · Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External …External References palette, select references with a not found status. Right-click the broken references and select Find and Replace from the context menu. … In the Find and Replace dialog, click the Ellipsis button to specify a new path to replace … Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External References Palette) …External References palette, select an external reference file with a not found … Right-click the selected reference and select Select New Path from the context menu. … Shortcut Menus and Function Keys (External References Palette ) …… The External References palette in AutoCAD Architecture organizes, … Shortcut menus and function keys provide options for working with the …KEY SHORTCUTS [SEE PRINTABLE KEYBOARD STICKERS ON PAGE 13 ]. F1. F2 … Fn-F3 or. Ctrl-F or. Ctrl-Shift-F. Toggles object snap mode on and off. Fn-F4 ….. the External References palette. EX … the menu bar and all palettes.

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