
Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk 3ds Max)

    Workflow Settings Editor (Autodesk 3ds Max)

    (AutoCAD Suite only) Customizes workflow settings that prepare your drawing to be
    opened and rendered in Autodesk 3ds Max.

    Access Methods

    Application menu Suite Workflows Select a 3ds Max workflow Settings


    The settings in this version of the Workflow Settings Editor are available for all
    workflows that send documents to 3ds Max for rendering.

    List of Options

    The following options are available.

    File Linking

    Sets the behavior for links between the source and target documents.

    With file linking, links or references are established between the design data associated
    with objects in the source file and the object in the target file. This link can be
    updated, modified or replaced. When the source file changes, modifications to properties
    such as materials or textures can be updated in the target file.

    Changes in the target file do not affect the source.

    Show the Workflow Complete Dialog
    Displays a dialog box that indicates that the workflow process has been completed.
    Target Scene
    Specifies whether to select a 3ds Max scene for each workflow instance, or whether
    the workflow always targets a new or an active scene.

    • Ask User. When you run this workflow, displays a dialog box that prompts you to select a new
      or existing scene as a target.
    • Always. Specifies which type of scene will always be targeted in this workflow. You can specify
      that the default is always a new or an existing scene.
    Existing Link Found with Target Scene
    Specifies how existing links to the source drawing are handled by the workflow.

    • Ask User. When you run this workflow, displays a dialog box where you can select whether to
      reload, detach and recreate, or keep and recreate existing links to the source drawing.

    • Always. Specifies how links to the source drawing are always handled in this workflow.
      • Reload the Source File. Always reloads any links to the source drawing that are found in the target scene.
      • Detach and Create a New Link. Always detaches and recreates any links to the source drawing that are found in the
        target scene. Use this option to remove any edits (such as materials applications
        or modifiers) that have been applied to the linked objects.
      • Keep and Add a New Link Instance. Always retains links to the source drawing and adds a new link to the same file.
    Specifies how the workflow handles materials assignments.

    • Use Max Scene Material Definitions. Gives preference to the 3ds Max material definition if a material with the same name
      is imported.
    • Keep Current Max Scene Material Assignments on Reload. Retains materials assignments made in 3ds Max, even when the linked source is reloaded.

    Transform and Scale

    Use 3ds Max System Units
    Ignore any scaling in the source drawing and use the default 3ds Max units setting.

    Rescale Source Drawing
    Assigns real-world scaling, such as meters, to the units used in the source drawing
    and scales the drawing based on Target Max Scene unit settings.
    Model Unit
    (Available only if Rescale Source Drawing is selected) Specifies the real-world unit
    scale to apply to the AutoCAD unit. For example, you can specify that an AutoCAD unit
    equals one inch or one millimeter.
    Create Helper Object at Drawing’s Origin
    Provides a method for moving the imported drawing within the 3ds Max scene by creating
    a dummy helper object that serves as a handle.

    NOTE:This setting is off by default to prevent problems that can occur when the objects
    in the source drawing are a long way from the world origin. In this case, Zoom Extents
    may cause the view to zoom out too far to see anything at all, because the extents
    include your drawing and the helper placed at the world origin within the view.

    Convert AutoCAD Primitives

    Create a New Max Object for Each
    Specifies how converted AutoCAD objects are grouped and organized in 3ds Max.

    • Layer, Blocks as Node Hierarchy. Groups selected AutoCAD primitive objects by layers, and then by blocks within those
    • Layer, Blocks as Node Hierarchy, Split by Material. Groups each AutoCAD primitive object by layers, and then by blocks within those layers.
      Objects with the same material assignments are grouped.
    • Entity, Blocks as Node Hierarchy. Groups each AutoCAD primitive object, then by blocks withn those groups.
    • Layer. Specifies that all objects on the same layer become a single 3ds Max object.
    • Color. Specifies that all objects of the same color become a single 3ds Max object.
    • Color and Material. Specifies that all objects that share the same color and material become a single
      ۳ds Max object
    • Entity. Specifies that each source object becomes an individual 3ds Max objects.
      NOTE:This option can result in a large number of 3ds Max objects and creates very large
      files. It is not recommended for very complex drawings, especially if you expect to
      use them for interactive presentations.

    • One Object. Groups all source objects as a single object. This option results in good performance
      within viewport displays, but provides limited editing capabilities.

    Level of Detail

    Specifies how the workflow handles level of detail, which affects the smoothness
    of the objects.

    Sets the level of detail that determines how drawing features are displayed in 3ds
    Max. Higher levels of detail result in slower transfers to 3ds Max and longer rendering
    times. Options range from Teacup Scale Model, High Detail to City or Terrain Scale
    Model, Low Detail.

    Maximum 3D Solid Surface Deviation
    Displays the smoothness values of the solid objects in 3ds Max, based on the Presets
    selection. Lower numbers indicate more faces and smoother objects. You can change
    this setting only if the Custom preset is selected.
    Spline Curve Steps
    Displays the number of nodes, or splits, for spline curves, based on the Presets
    selection. Higher numbers result in smoother curves. You can change this setting only
    if the Custom preset is selected.


    Use the Extrude Modifier to Represent Thickness
    When you turn on this option, 3ds Max applies an Extrude modifier to all spline objects
    that had thickness in AutoCAD. This setting is not on by default for static renderings,
    but may be useful for some editing or animation tasks.
    Weld Nearby Surfaces
    Merges vertices that are within the range specified in the Closer Than option.
    Closer Than
    (Available only if Weld Nearby Surfaces is selected.) Sets how close adjacent vertices
    need to be in order to be merged. You can specify the distance by dragging the slider
    or entering a value.
    Auto-smooth Adjacent Faces
    Causes adjacent faces to be smoothed or sharpened at a specific angle.
    (Available only if Auto-smooth Adjacent Faces is selected). Sets the angle value
    for smoothing or sharpening adjacent faces. For example, if the Angle value is 15
    degrees, angles of 15 degrees or greater are smoothed, and angles of less than 15
    degrees remain sharp.
    Unify Normals of Adjacent Faces
    Sets the normal alignment of adjacent faces to be the same.

    For example, if the faces are part of a sphere with the majority pointing outward
    and a few that are created facing inward, these few are flipped so that all of the
    sphere’s faces point outward

    Fill (Cap) Closed Splines
    Fills closed areas within 2D objects.
    Texture Mapping
    Sets whether mapping coordinates are applied to all imported objects, including those
    that do not have assigned materials.

    • No Mapping Coordinates. Specifies that object coordinates are not mapped. When this option is selected, objects
      do not display material textures, but can display properties such as color.
    • Generate Coordinates for All Objects. ۳ds Max checks every object for coordinate maps, and adds mapping if necessary. This
      process is time consuming but necessary for texture maps to be displayed on objects
      that may not have had mapping coordinates applied in AutoCAD.

    Layer Filtering

    Skip All Frozen Layers
    Does not produce links to source file objects that are on frozen layers.
    Skip All Hidden Layers
    Does not produce links to source file objects that are on hidden layers.

    Include by Type

    Specifies which object types are imported.

    Includes light properties, including photometric lights, in the import.
    Views and Cameras
    Includes views and camera properties in the import.
    Sun and Sky Lighting
    Includes sun and sky lighting properties in the import.
    Includes point objects in the import (not commonly used).
    UCSs (grids)
    Includes user coordinate systems in the import (not commonly used).
    includes hatch objects in the import (not commonly used).
    External References (xrefs)
    Includes all external references attached to the source drawing in the import.

    Spline Rendering

    Generate Mapping Coordinates
    Maps coordinates for splines to enable the display of textures.
    Use Real-world Texture Map Size
    Uses real-world units when defining the scale of material textures. This option helps
    you troubleshoot why a texture is too large or too small.
    Auto-smooth renderable splines
    Automatically smooths or creases splines at a specified angle.
    (Available only when Auto-smooth Renderable Splines is selected. )Specifies the angle
    at which auto-smoothing goes into effect for splines.

    Enable in the Renderer

    Provides a way to enhance 2D objects such as splines, polylines, and lines, to give
    them the appearance of 3D objects when rendered. To view them in the viewport, you
    must also select Enable in Viewport.

    This option and its related settings are available only when Spline Rendering is also

    Cross section
    Specifies the shape of the cross section that will be swept along the spline, polyline
    or line path during rendering. This feature can be used to create a handrail or fence.
    The settings in this section change, depending on whether you select the circle or
    the rectangle.

    • Circle. Uses a circle profile to sweep 2D splines, polylines, and lines.
    • Rectangle. Uses a rectangle profile to sweep 2D splines, polylines, and lines.
    (Available only for circle cross sections) Specifies the diameter of the profile
    (Available only for circle cross sections) Sets the number of sides for the circular
    profile. For example, 5 sides results in a pentagonal profile. Higher values result
    in smoother profiles.
    (Available only for circle cross sections) Sets the rotation of the circular profile
    about the spline.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Sets the length of the rectangular
    cross section profile.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Sets the width of the rectangular cross
    section profile.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Sets the aspect ratio of the rectangle
    based on length over width. You adjust the Length and Width settings when you change
    the Aspect value.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Affects the alignment of the rectangular
    profile by setting its angle of rotation about the spline path.

    Enable in the Viewport

    Provides a way to enhance 2D objects such as splines, polylines, and lines, to give
    them the appearance of 3D objects when viewed in the viewport. To affect the rendering
    result, you must also select Enable in Renderer.

    This option and its related settings are available only when Spline Rendering is also

    Use the Renderer Settings Shown Above
    Uses the Enable in the Renderer Settings for the viewport display. When this option
    is selected the other settings in this section are disabled.
    Cross section
    Specifies the shape of the cross section that will be swept along the spline, polyline
    or line path during rendering. This feature can be used to create a handrail or fence.
    The settings in this section change, depending on whether you select the circle or
    the rectangle.

    • Circle. Uses a circle profile to sweep 2D splines, polylines, and lines.
    • Rectangle. Uses a rectangle profile to sweep 2D splines, polylines, and lines.
    (Available only for circle cross sections) Specifies the diameter of the profile
    (Available only for circle cross sections) Sets the number of sides for the circular
    profile. For example, 5 sides results in a pentagonal profile. Higher values result
    in smoother profiles.
    (Available only for circle cross sections) Sets the rotation of the circular profile
    about the spline.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Sets the length of the rectangular
    cross section profile.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Sets the width of the rectangular cross
    section profile.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Sets the aspect ratio of the rectangle
    based on length over width. You adjust the Length and Width settings when you change
    the Aspect value.
    (Available only for rectangle cross sections) Affects the alignment of the rectangular
    profile by setting its angle of rotation about the spline path.

    Display the Introduction Screen

    When this option is enabled, an introduction screen is displayed when the workflow
    is run. This screen describes what the workflow does and provides access to the Settings
    or Run options. You can select this setting to turn on the display of the introduction
    screen if you have disabled it.

    NOTE:User-created workflows do not display an introduction screen.

    Learning AutoCad

    utoCAD Suite only) Customizes workflow settings that prepare your drawing to be opened and rendered in Autodesk 3ds Max.workflow settings that prepare your … Applies to AutoCAD 2016, AutoCAD Architecture 2016, AutoCAD Civil ۳D ۲۰۱۶, …. If Model is Larger Than: Specifies the maximum linear dimension in meters for a …workflows that convert AutoCAD settings for use in Showcase or ۳ds Max. … Workflow Settings Editor, where you can change and save workflow settings.Workflow Settings Click Application menu Suite Workflows the … On the Workflow dialog, click Run to launch the workflow and send the model to ۳ds Max or Showcase. … In the Workflow Settings Editor, change the workflow settings.workflow converts the settings in your AutoCAD drawing to be used in other products. … Settings Editor (Autodesk 3ds Max) · Commands for Suite Workflows  …workflow can take an AutoCAD drawing and transfer it to ۳ds Max or … Preset workflows provide default settings for ۳ds Max or Showcase to apply to the … Settings Editor (Autodesk 3ds Max) · Commands for Suite Workflows …workflow converts the settings in your AutoCAD drawing to be used in other products. … your drawing for import into Autodesk Showcase or Autodesk 3ds Max.workflow Use this procedure to send your design to ۳ds Max Design or … In the Workflow Settings Editor, modify any workflow settings as required, and click  …۳ds Max Design scene for each workflow instance, … This option improves performance but provides limited editing capabilities.workflow applies predefined settings in ۳ds Max Design or Showcase to … Workflow settings automatically transform the building model for presentation …

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